Chapter 5: Please Hyung

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No one's POV

(11:45 AM)

Jake slowly opened his eyes waking up

Only to be met with Heeseung sleeping peacefully beside him, Jake traced his finger from heeseung's nose to the olders lips, the younger giggles admiring the older while he's still asleep.

"You're so Handsome hyungieee"Jake giggled.

"I know pup, I know" Heeseung said opening his eyes. Which startled the younger.

"O-oh y-your awake" Jake stuttered.

"I woke up first I just pretended Tobe asleep when I saw you opening your eyes" Heeseung chuckles.

"Hyungggg". Jake whined.

"Am I handsome pup?" Heeseung teased wiggling his eyebrows.

"Stop teasing me hyung" Jake muffled as burries his face in the olders chest.

"Do you wanna watch some movies pup?" Heeseung chuckles.

"Hyung do you have work tomorrow" Jake suddenly asked.

"Tomorrow is Monday so yeah" Heeseung answered.

"Can I go with you" Jake said pouting looking up at the older.

"Ofcourse, but won't you be bored there in my office?". Heeseung asked.

"I'm sure I won't hyung, I don't wanna be left alone here in this big mansion of yours". Jake answered.

"If you say so" Heeseung said.

"Can we watch movies now hyung" Jake whined. Getting up from the bed and stand in front of the door ready to leave the room.

"Nah I don't wanna watch anymore" Heeseung teased.

"if you don't watch movies with me.....I'll . LEAVE. YOU. Jake teased, but regretted it as he saw Heeseung gritted his teeth.

"What did you say?, you know you really gotta be careful on you words pup" Heeseung said approaching the younger.

Jake couldn't move his body as he watched how Heeseung's eyes gets darker every step he took towards Jake.

Jake has never been this scared of Heeseung,he was always used of the older being so soft to him, it scares him seeing this side of Heeseung.

Heeseung slowly leans in on Jake's ear "Jaehyun.Bed.Now" Heeseung said with authority in his voice.

Jake instantly followed what the older said, getting into the bed as he was afraid of what the older is going Todo if he disobeys him.

Heeseung got on top of Jake as he hovers him on the bed,"what did you say again?,you'll leave me...oh don't you dare pup. Heeseung said as he held the youngers chin, making eye contact with the younger.

"I-i was j-just k-kidding hyungiee" Jake stuttered.

"That wasn't a good joke pup" Heeseung said staring blankly at Jake.

Jake couldn't breath, the older was so close to him. Jake mind is being foggy unable to think because of the situation, the older did nothing but to stare at Jake's plump lips. From the youngers chin Heeseung shifted his hands to touch the youngers lips.

"Oh my, pup have you ever looked in the mirror and got tempted by your own lips?" Heeseung said making eye contact with the younger.

"I-i h-hyung..."Jake stuttered unable to finish his word when the older connected their lips.

Heeseung kissed Jake passionately,gently biting the bottom part of the younger's lips making Jake moan, the older took his chance and slid his tongue inside exploring every part  of Jake's cavern, the kiss was getting sloppier and intense until Heeseung pulled apart. And Jake was in a fucked a state his hair was messy and his once plump lips is now swollen.

Jake can't think straight anymore all he wants is for the older to kiss him again. Jake held heeseung's collar weakly attempting to connect their lips again but Heeseung stopped him.

"Awww,did I leave you hanging pup, do you want more" Heeseung chuckles seeing the younger  being desperate for him.

"H-hyung p-please" Jake cried begging for Heeseung.

"Are you sure pup? I might loose control" Heeseung smirk.

End  of chapter 5

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