Chapter: 7 Love❤️

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Jake's POV

I woke up feeling the sunshine hit my face, I saw Heeseung hyung peacefully sleeping,I slowly get up not waking him up until I was stopped by a killing pain in my back.

"Aishhhh" I hissed feeling my back cracks everytime I move. Just then I felt two arms backhugging me. "Good morning love".

"H-hyung" I said as I turn around to face him.

"Does it hurt?" He asked. "What?"

"Your back silly does it still hurts" he said chuckling.

"Yes it is" I said as the I felt the sharp pain on my back again.

"I was pretty gentle though" Heeseung teased.

"Wahhh,stop it hyung" Jake whined.

"Okay how about we shower first then I'll give you some painkiller, let's go" he said getting up the bed and carrying me to the bathroom.

No one's POV

After the two showered together Heeseung gave Jake some painkillers, then he carried the younger downstairs as they head to the kitchen he placed the younger on the kitchen counter.

"What do you want for breakfast love?" Heeseung asked. He saw how the younger blushed form the petname.

"Hyung you don't n-need to call me love" Jake whined.

"Oh really? But you seem to like it last night" Heeseung teased.

"Stop it hyungie, or I won't let you have the chance again" Jake warned. Heeseung only chuckles as he thought it was cute.

"I want those yummy pancakes heeseungiee" Jake said feeling hungry.

"Okay love" Heeseung them began cooking while the younger was just staring at his boyfriend cooking, after a few minutes the food is finally ready.

"Eat up ikeau were leaving after we eat" Heeseung said as he placed the pancakes on Jake's plate, the younger then started digging up his food.

"By the way I called some of my friends, so that you have someone to talk to when I'm working" Heeseung said. Jake only hummed in response.

After they finish eating they got dressed and got our of the mansion heading towards Heeseung's car and drove their way to Heeseung's workplace.

As the two arrived they got out of the car and went inside the hospital and they were greeted by everyone especially Heeseung, well because Heeseung owns the hospital. As they walked past by some nurses were throwing sharp glares at Jake. Heeseung noticed it and held Jake's waist "If you keep glaring at him like that I'll make sure you won't be able to see anymore" Heeseung warned the nurses. They immediately left without saying a word.

As they get inside heeseung's office Jake flops himself in the couch as Heeseung sat on his chair.

"Wow hyung your office is big and so is this hospital" Jake said amazed. "By the way why were those nurses scared of you" Jake asked.

"Well that's because I'm their boss love,I own this place" Heeseung answered.

"If you're their boss then why were those nurses looking at you like a predator watching their prey I can literally see those girls drool over you" Jake said crossing his arms in annoyance.

"Are you jealous" Heeseung teased.

"No I'm not" Jake defended.

"Oh yes you are" Heeseung said as he got from his chair and sits beside Jake and backhugged the younger resting his chin on the younger's shoulder. "Tell me what can I do to stop you from sulking"Heeseung asked chuckling at Jake's behavior.

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