Chapter 13

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"Riley??" Jamie said.

I looked over at Jamie and noticed the concerned look on her face when she apparently recognized Sophie's new roommate, Riley.

Sophie and I shared a look, both clearly confused at what was going on.

"Oh, hey Jamie," Riley said shyly.

"Umm, do you two want to fill us in orrrr?" Sophie cut in.

"Yeah that would be good," I said, looking back at Jamie.

This better not be another ex, I thought.

"Riley," Jamie said with a sigh as she looked at me, "is Maddox's sister."

"Oh fuck," I said quietly. What were the chances?

"Sophie did you..." I continued.

"No, no, no, I had no idea," she said quickly.

"I didn't know -" Riley started.

"Yeah likely story," Jamie interjected.

"What?? How would I know that my new roommate's best friend was dating my brother's ex? Isn't that a bit of a stretch?" Riley asked.

"Don't act like he didn't put you up to all of this," Jamie snapped.

Sophie looked at me uncomfortably, we were both unsure of what to do.

"Wait," Sophie said, "was he the brother that helped you move in?"

"See?" Jamie said as she held her hand out towards Riley.

"He was just helping me move, I don't think there's anything weird about that," Riley said.

"Do you even know all of the shit that he pulled with us?" Jamie asked.

"No I - well I don't know," Riley said awkwardly. "I guess I know some of it...I think."

"Exactly," Jamie said matter-of-factly.

"How was I supposed to know that there was any connection between Sophie and the two of you??" Riley said, looking around at us.

"Jeez I don't know, probably because he told you," Jamie said angrily.

"Hey, let's just go and figure this out later, okay?" I said to Jamie.

"There's nothing to figure out," Jamie responded, narrowing her eyes at Riley, "but yes let's go."

Jamie turned to go and I put my hand on her back and mouthed "sorry" to Sophie as we walked out.

We got back into the car and sat there in silence for a minute.

Jamie finally sighed and looked over at me, "there's no way that just happened by chance, right?"

"I don't know," I said, shaking my head. "It does seem like quite the coincidence."

"How does that fucker keep weaseling his way back into our lives?" Jamie asked.

"Well it's just his doesn't seem like she's as bad as him, right?"

"No she's fine but -" Jamie hesitated, "it just seems too weird, like he's trying to use her to mess with us again or something. You know damn well that's something he'd do."

I nodded, "you're not wrong, giving me a little PTSD just thinking about it."

"God damn it," Jamie said, rubbing her hand over face.

"Well I hate to say this," I started, "but I don't think you're going to convince Sophie that any of this was on purpose. She's already got it bad for that girl."

"Yeah I kind of figured that from what you've told me," Jamie said. "Shit, this isn't good at all."

"Well let's just...I don't know let's just go back to my place. We'll grab dinner on the way back and go from there," I said.

Jamie nodded but stayed quiet. I reached my hand over and put it on her leg as I began to drive home. As weird as all of this was for me, I knew it had to be affecting Jamie a lot more.

We stopped to grab takeout on the way back to the house, and sat down at the counter to eat it when we got back.

Jamie was still quiet, and I knew she was still running through everything in her head.

"Hey," I said, nudging her leg, "you okay over there?"

Jamie sighed and paused before answering, "I guess so, I just really didn't want to have to think about that prick again...but here we are."

"I know," I said, "maybe the roommate situation will be short lived and we won't have to deal with it for long."

"But what if something does happen between her and Sophie and they end up together, then what do we do?" Jamie asked.

"Let's not worry about that until it happens, Sophie is determined but I think she's got a ways to go," I said, grinning at Jamie and trying to lighten the mood.

"I'll talk to her though," I continued.

Jamie nodded, "okay."

We finished eating and went over to lay on the couch together. Jamie laid down on the inside and I came and laid down next to her, putting my arm around her shoulders.

We were watching TV when Jamie quietly said, "Cas?"

"Jamie," I said.

"What if Maddox tries to pull some shit with us again...I mean like he did last time." She paused briefly before saying, "when you left."

"Jamie, first of all, I'm not going anywhere, I learned my lesson last time; second, what's he going to do?" I asked.

She didn't say anything, but I could tell her wheels were turning.

"Now that I know about him, and we're not doing anything wrong with our jobs...he doesn't seem to have many options left."

Jamie gave me a side eyed glance when I mentioned knowing about him, but it still seemed to make her feel a little bit better.

"I just can't believe he would go this far to try and do something to us," Jamie said.

"Okay I'm not saying I have much faith in Maddox, because I definitely don't, but maybe this really is just a coincidence," I said hesitantly.

"I don't know Cas, I'm just not buying it," Jamie responded.

"Well at the very least let's try not to worry about it until we have to, okay?" I wrapped both of my arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

"Yeah..." she said quietly, "okay."


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