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Just a will get well as dark. 

SHE felt like she couldn't move

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SHE felt like she couldn't move. 

Dinah blinked a few times. Her vision only focused towards the concrete, her body feeling numb. She turned her head, her eyes gaining clarity as she watched the smoke from the car that drifted away into the next block. She could hear the sounds of Liv's cries a couple meters away from her, snapping her out of the overwhelming shock she was currently feeling. She immediately got up with her knees buckling beneath her, before they gave out and she her knees planted on the ground towards them. She watched Spencer carefully, as crimson oozed from his shoulder. She couldn't say anything, the tears were prickling at her eyes, and the sounds of his erratic panting was the only thing her ears could focus on. Her hands held pressure across his wound, trying to prevent more blood loss. 

Spencer couldn't die. 

He couldn't. 

10 minutes later, they arrived at the hospital. 

Dinah sat in a room as her hands shook, Liv had been escorted by a nurse and Spencer was rushed to who knew where. She could hear the gunshots ringing in her ears over and over again, watching Spencer grab Liv as they go towards the ground. And then seeing him there defenseless. 

Dinah's shock then went into rage. 

Kai had given Tyrone the green-light to do this, she knew he did. It was the reason he had called her and seconds later gunshots rang, it wasn't a coincidence. Tyrone tried to kill Spencer, and maybe Liv since she was the D.A's daughter, and Kai had given him the permission to do it. 

She had never been more angry in her life. 

"Dinah Jane?" Dinah snapped out of it once she heard a voice, she looked up to see a police officer walking towards her. 

"That's me" Dinah croaked. 

"I just want to ask you a few questions, since you had help aided to Spencer James's gunshot wound" He said "I know tonight was scary and traumatizing" 

"Ask away" Dinah said coldly.

"What did you see before the gunshots went off?" 

"I was walking down the steps and saw a car, and then I heard the gunshots go off. I had heard my girlfriend scream and I ran over there as soon as the coast was clear, then I saw it was Spencer on the ground instead of her. I had just gotten off the phone before that" 

 "Did you know if your friend was involved in anything gang related?" 

Dinah knew it was a necessary question to ask but she still couldn't help but feel angry about it "No Spencer's is not in a gang, and of course you would assume such a thing because he's black man" 

"it's a precautionary question ma'am, it's not to stereotype" The police officer assured "I just have to ask the questions in order to find out who did this" 

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