I want to be myself

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In the depths of my being, a longing resides,
To shed the masks and pretense, where my true self hides.
To be free of society's chains and expectations,
And embrace the beauty of my own unique creations.

I want to be myself, unapologetically so,
To dance to the rhythm of my own inner flow.
To speak my truth boldly, without fear or restraint,
And let my authentic voice reverberate.

No longer bound by conventions that confine,
I'll break through the barriers, with a spirit that's divine.
For in being myself, I'll discover true bliss,
And unlock the magic that lies within, like a kiss.

I long to walk the path that's meant for me alone,
To embrace my flaws and weaknesses, yet still be known.
For it is in owning my vulnerabilities and scars,
That I'll find strength and resilience, like shining stars.

I want to be myself, embracing every shade,
Celebrating the unique tapestry that life has made.
For it is in honoring my essence, bright and true,
That I'll inspire others to be themselves too.

So let the world witness the unfolding of my art,
As I step into the spotlight of my own beating heart.
For I am ready to shine, to be fully seen,
As I awaken and embrace who I've always been.

I want to be myself, to live a life unbound,
To write my story on the canvas of this world around.
For when I embrace my truth and stand proud and tall,
I'll leave a lasting legacy, inspiring one and all.

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