Chapter 1- Agree to Disagree

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A/N: I listened to cardigan and die first whilst writing this chapter so I recommend you guys do to! Enjoy!

He closed the door quickly behind me as I stepped inside the minimalistic room. He fell back on the navy sofa letting his head fall in his hands a groan of frustration left his lips before he looked up at me.
"This whole situation is annoying as it is and now, I have you breathing down my neck about every little thing, seriously?" He questioned a tone of irritation behind his voice.

I was taken  aback at first this wasn't anything like him, at least not from what I remembered.

"So your blaming me? Typical Lando Norris." I scoffed rolling my eyes trying to hide my shock.  "And there you go again! I swear to god Annabelle this isn't gonna work!" He raised his voice pointing at him then at me.

"And what do you want me to do? You know this is beneficial for the both of us!" I shouted back leaning my back against the wall behind me still looking over at Lando.

"Beneficial to you? Sure. To me? Doesn't help or affect anything." He replied with a tone of pride. "Then why did you agree to it?" I asked crossing my arms, he remained quiet for a minute.

"I probably shouldn't have. Me agreeing to this whole things is what got you the internship." He spoke up "I mean come on? You couldn't get this even if you tried by yourself." He mumbled but he was just loud enough for me to hear I felt a pang in my heart. I did get this internship by myself I know I did. At least I hope I did?..

I gulped before shaking any thoughts away "I'm sorry alright? I don't want to be an inconvenience to you in anyway, but-.

Just as I was about to finish he spoke up "Yeah alright, whatever we'll talk later but can you get out of my room?" He said in more of a demand than a question  and in a very hurried tone.

I just nodded "Yeah okay.." I mumbled I was feeling a mixture of annoyance and hurt but I walked out of his driver room and out of the garage.

"Did I really get this internship because of him?"

"Oh my god of course not your ass knows damn well the school and YOU got this internship rightfully, his arrogant ass has nothing to do with it!" Finley dismissed what I was saying as he took a sip of his water placing his phone face down. I found myself chuckling at what he said "You out of all people know he needs someone to blame when he's pissed off." He adds and J nod "Yeah, I guess so." I reply trailing off before hearing someone whistle.

I turned around and spotted Summer "If it is at my favourite WAG and her assistant!" she called out causing me to laugh, Summer was in the internship program with me, Finley and 2 other people she Valentine and Anthony all went to different University's than me and Finley.
"You guys alright?" She asked pulling me into a hug and then taking a seat with us.

"Yeah me and Anna were just catching up with the schedule." Finely nodded picking his phone up "Oh did they post the schedule already?" Summer spoke up and Finley and I just nodded she smiled.

"Right! Okay hold on wait! Let me text Val and Anthony to come here!" She interrupted getting her phone out. I couldn't help but look at Finley and smile and he nodded.

"Oh Anthony? As in your boyfriend?" We both called out  at the same time stretching out the word 'boyfriend' she instantly became flustered and sunk her head in her hands making me and Finley laugh.

Anthony and Summer weren't dating, but they might as well be. They were actually the cutest couple. And they had known each other for quite a while now, to the average person you would be able to tell they liked each other. But if you spent sometime with them, you'd start playing matchmaker like me, Finley and Valentine were.


You might be wondering what the whole argument was about? If I think about it. It was kinda stupid. And now I had this feeling of heartache in my chest again.

Deja vu was probably the worst feeling ever.

I found myself remembering me and Lando 6 months ago bickering about the most stupidest things and then waiting for the other to apologise like 5 year olds.
And it hurt, it hurt that we weren't like that anymore, now our bickering was complaining about each others company.

The only thing that was different was that, we were actually together back then, even if it was a secret, even if no one but our best friends knew about our relationship, we were happy to be around each other.  And the fact that now it was fake hurt like hell. All because of one old photo we had to fake feelings that didn't exist anymore. And it hurt knowing that it wasn't real anymore.

It hurt.

         But I wasn't going to tell anyone that.

Why would I?

And plus even if I wanted to I couldn't.



"ANNABELLE!" I heard the familiar voice of Finley yell causing me to snap out of my thoughts. "Yeah?." I mumbled looking around the table.
"You've been zoned out for like 10 minutes, also your boyfriend is coming this way." Valentine spoke up  What? I quickly snapped my head around and spotted Lando walking towards us he nodded towards me then gestured me to come over to him I excused myself as I was walking up to Lando I noticed he looked upset so I took a deep breath ready for another one of his comments  about something else I did wrong.

As I stepped closer to him I realised his eyes looked puffy.  Had he been crying?

"Yeah?.." I mumbled crossing my arms across my chest not looking up at him. "Look at me please." He whispered his voice breaking slightly. I sighed and looked up at him. He sighed deeply "Look I'm sorry about earlier, I'm.. I really am." He begins and I just nod. "I acted like a huge prick to you and you didn't deserve that and I realise that if we have to be around each other for the rest of the season we need to get along.. so-" but before he could finish I found myself wrapping my arms around him.

I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding as he wrapped his hands around me as well "This is the only thing you've said that I'm actually happy to hear so far." I whispered causing him to chuckle. He sighed as we pulled away from the familiar feeling hug. "You want to sit down with me and the others?" I ask gesturing with my head towards the small coffee table and he just shook his head "I can't I have interview with Oscar but I figured I'd come and apologise." He declined and I just nodded.
"Yeah, that was a good idea."

"Good luck with the interview I guess?" I chuckled and he just laughed shaking his head he placed a quick kiss on my cheek before nodding and saying goodbye.

I found myself smiling as I walked back towards the group and they were all smirking at me. "So? What did he say?" Anthony asked "You guys getting dinner in Dubai or something?" Valentine added and I just laughed "No, and it was just that he had an interview and that we would hang out later." I replied half lying and they just nodded Valentine just frowned, I raised my eyebrow at her "You know this whole WAG life doesn't seem very interesting, maybe I'll just settle for a Mc Donald's worker instead." She joked causing all of us to laugh.  "Your so real for that Val." Summer added and I just smiled at the 2.

At least I had a nice group of friends around  Me.

The next couple of days were pretty similar apart from Sunday when we had to all work on writing a report on the race. Apart from me and Lando getting followed around by cameras it wasn't anything out of the usual. I guess.


-Daria :)

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