Chapter 3 - Airport Chaos

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"You know I'm actually quite glad about this whole internship thing.." Summer whispered to me as we and the rest of the group lined up for passport control. "Isn't that a good thing? I mean if you weren't happy with it why would you be doing it?" Anthony asked placing his gym bag down."I find it hilarious that we all brought a gym bag with us if I'm honest." Finley chimed in and Valentines face lit up. "Oh my god girls! We better go swimming at the hotel pool this week!" She exclaimed and we all looked confused "Val.. there isn't a pool?.." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Oh my gosh Belle! I swear to god you're obsessed with reading but you never read important things like what your hotel offers?" She groaned in frustration but whatever she was about to say got interrupted by the line moving so we all fell in a single file line Summer going first then Anthony, Finley, me and Valentine. "Val, I love your name by the way." I spoke and the red heads face lit up once again. "Awh.. Thank you Anne" She smiled at me and I smiled back.

Passport control wasn't difficult to get through but for some reason the passport guy kept on looking at me and my passport over and over again as if I was some sort of criminal trying to fly out of state or something.

As we were walking through the duty free area of the airport, which was absolutely stunningly assorted with bright lights and displays, we decided to stop at a small cafe inside the airport. As we all sat down at the table appointed to us I decided to take out my laptop do finish writing a assignment.

Sooner rather than later, my phone buzzed I took out my phone and saw a notification from Lando. 'Hey could you text me before you guys take off?' I found myself smiling at the text, my fingers hovered above the screen before finally typing and sending a reply. 'Yeah of course, I'll keep you updated.'

"Why are you smiling at your phone like that?" Finley  pried stretching his neck over to look at my phone which I quickly dodged but he smirked. "Awh, she's texting 'Lan 🧡' "  he teased and everyone else began to chime in with questions, I found my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

After about a minute of chaos the noise died down, luckily. Or else we would have probably been kicked out. When I looked up from my laptop I spotted Valentine and Finley engaged in a conversation whilst Anthony and Summer were clearly flirting. I smirked looking at them and they both turned to look at me I just winked and looked away.  I decided to connect my AirPods to my phone and play a random song. 'Sex, Drugs, Etc. by Beach Weather' came on and I began to hum along to the tune.

Listening to music for some reason always helped me concentrate and sort of reflect I guess? I couldn't quite explain it but it just helped, music was something very important to me, I obviously didn't care about it enough to pursue a career in that industry but, I understood what those musicians meant when they said that, the way music made them feel was undesirable, the feeling of ease they felt when they were listening to music, sort of like the world had stopped. That all problems sort of washed away.

'Out of touch in harmony'


Abruptly Finley began tapping my shoulder in a rush I took out one of me AirPods and shook my head in  a 'What do you want?' Sort of way. "Get your stuff quickly our flight got posted!" He rushed me and my eyes widened I quickly put my AirPods away, grabbed my gym bag, and my phone and began to rush to our gate with the rest.

"Questo cazzo succede sempre! Giuro su Dio che se non dimentico quasi che ho un volo ogni volta che volo allora mi considererò fortunato." [This always fucking happens! I swear to god if I don't almost forget I have a flight every time I fly then I'd consider myself lucky.] I cursed under my breath.

Just as were reaching our gate I felt a wave of panic wash over me. "Uh, Guys?.." I mumbled everyone looking at me. "Did any of you happen to grab my Laptop by any chance?" A wave of shock washed over their face "You forgot your laptop.." Anthony mumbled under his breath and I shook my head feeling myself tear up

'How much of a fucking dumbass did I have to be to forget my Laptop?'

As I was running frantically inside the airport pushing past people earning a couple of dirty looks. I called Lando, to which he picked up after a couple of rings.

"Annabelle? You alright?" He asked holding his phone in front of him  and I just shook my head trying to catch my breath as I was rushing around. "Look I lost my Laptop, If I miss my flight I'll try get on the next one!" I panted and he just shook his head "No way, I'll buy you a new laptop if I have to, you know how important it is for you to get on that flight!"He yelled luckily I had my headphones in. "No way! I'm not leaving that laptop Norris!" I argued "Silver getting in trouble and possibly losing your internship isn't worth it over a stupid Laptop!" He shouted and I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

That nickname.

"Okay whatever! I need my Laptop! Getting in trouble at Uni isn't worth it over a flight!" I shook my head quickly reaching the cafe and the woman recognised me she smiled and after a couple of minutes she was able to give me back my laptop, I thanked her and put my laptop in my bag and began to run around the air port again. "My gate closes in 10 minutes.." I mumbled. "Is that enough time for you to get there Anne?" He asked and I shrugged "Don't know, I hope so."

"How do you get yourself into these situations?" He chuckled and I smiled "I don't know to be fair."

Luckily I managed to get to my gate just on time, my seat was the window seat and I was lucky enough to sit next to Valentine and Summer, well correction, Finely sat in Summers seat so she could sit next to Anthony. "Gosh they make me sick." Val muttered under her breath and I just chuckled.

The flight was smooth nothing out of the ordinary, and like usual I almost went deaf in one ear whilst we were landing. Since we did have a suit case with us we all made it through passport control quite quickly. Mexico was really pretty, and I was super excited to actually begin my internship by hosting interviews with drivers and stuff.

"Uhm.. Annabelle?" Finley spoke up tapping me vigorously on the shoulder. "What?" I asked in a flat tone. "Mind me asking why your boyfriend is here?" He mumbled but just loud enough to hear "Wait what?" I asked looking around. From what I knew Lando wasn't even supposed to pick me up so what was going on? "It's fine, go with your boyfriend it's better than taking 2 Ubers." Valentine spoke softly and I nodded I hugged them all saying I'll meet them at the hotel.I was surprised by Lando being here, why was he suddenly being nice to me?

"Hey.." I mumbled going in for a somewhat awkward half hug and he returned the hug "What are you doing here?" I asked placing down my bag "I don't know I felt like picking you up Silver." He teased and I just rolled my eyes "Ugh that stupid nickname!" I whined and he just laughed sooner rather than later we were on the road "How did you manage to not get followed by cameras?" I asked looking at him "I don't know to be fair, but I guess I'm just that good." I just scoffed at his cockiness. "Alright Mr Stupido" [Stupid] he rolled his eyes "What's with you and calling me stupid?" He asked in a somewhat frustrated tone. "It's just funny." I smiled looking away and towards the window.

Why was he being nice all of a sudden?

A/N: YAYY!! I FINALLY FINISHED THE CHAPTER!! Also in Mexico when the fans started to Boo Charles, I almost cried not gonna lie. Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter since I tried to make it a bit more chill.

-Daria :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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