Chapter Five

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After he had convinced Kate to eat some pizza Tony had slept on her couch, or at least he pretended too. He was too wired to sleep, he wanted to help Kate by catching Ari but he knew that it was going to be hard. 
That morning the two of them got ready for work in near silence. There was no arguing about who was going to drive, instead when they got to the car Kate went straight for the passenger seat. When they got off the elevator they headed to their desks, finding the others waiting for them. 
"Gibbs? What's happened on now?" Kate froze under their stares as Gibbs closed the space between them, pulling her to his chest. He lowered his lips to her ear. 
"We got him"
"You arrested him?" she spoke against his shoulder. 
"He's dead Kate. We got him" Kate let out an involuntary gasp. When Gibbs pulled away he took in her tear stained cheeks, she moved her eyes to Ducky.  
"He had a letter in his pocket" he announced, pulling the envelope out of his pocket. She took the envelope in her hands looking over her neatly written name. She turned it over and opened it, taking the paper out she started reading it. She crumpled it in her fist out of anger. 
"I want to see the body"  
"Kate-" Tony tried but she cut him off. 
"I need to see it for myself, please" 
"Rule eleven" Gibbs reminded her. 
"I can't walk away if there's a chance he's still breathing. Rule twenty-eight Gibbs. I'm asking for help. Please" he nodded. 

Kate stood in front of the autopsy freezer, taking a deep breath before she nodded to Ducky to open the tray. He opened the drawer before he pulled out the tray revealing Ari's body to her. She turned away from him, feeling her tears on the brink of falling. 
"He was shot once in the head at a distance of fifteen feet. He was dead before he hit the ground" Ducky told her. 
"He's dead Kate" Tony assured her "He's never going to come after you again" Kate ran at the body, Tony barely had time to register the scalpel in her hand before he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his chest. 
"Let me stab him! Let me prove I can do it!" she cried against his chest after she had dropped the scalpel on the ground "I can do it" she managed to get out through the sobs that were raking her body. 
"You don't have to. He's gone Kate" Tony assured her as he held her close to his chest as she cried.

The team were sat at their desks when the elevator doors opened and Eli and Ziva David came to stand by Kate's desk.
"Can I help you?" She asked, looking up at the pair.
"My name is Eli David" everyone rose from their desks. As Kate stood she grabbed her gun, waiting for one of them to make a move "I'm not here to hurt you agent Todd"
"Then what do you want?" She bit as Gibbs moved to her side.
"I'm here to see my son's body, and of course congratulate you. I must admit that I never expected my grandchild to have a Catholic mother but-"
"How do you know about that?"
"I've been keeping an eye on my son. I admit that this was a surprise but a welcome one at least" he smiled.
"You're not going to take my baby" she bit.
"It is my grandchild"
"Ari gave me no choice so I will give you one. Either you leave now or I shoot you right here" she threatened earning a laugh from him.
"You won't agent Todd because unlike my son you are good"
"Ari gave me a child because we both lost our mothers, he saw a pain in me matched in him. You had his mother killed, you made him into what he was"
"Let's agree to disagree" he smiled his eyes moving to Gibbs' "The morgue?"
"Back elevator" he replied gruffly before Eli headed off. Ziva waited until her father was out of earshot before her eyes moved to Kate's.
"I shot him. He's never coming back for you or your child Kate" Kate reached across the desk and lightly squeezed her hand. 
"Thank you Ziva" Kate managed a small smile. 
"You should know that it is also an Israeli tradition to name a child after a deceased relative. My little sister's name was Tali. You do not have to use it but I think that Tali would like to share her name despite the circumstances" Ziva gave her a kind smile before her father called her to the elevator. 

That night when Tony packed up his stuff Kate did the same and once again when they got to the car she climbed into the passenger seat whilst he drove them back to their apartment. When they got inside her apartment they both went straight to the couch.
"What am I going to do Tony?"
"What do you want to do?"
"I'm Catholic-"
"That's not why I asked" he turned his head so that he could meet her eyes.
"I'm not going to get rid of it. I want to be a mother although this isn't how I planned it, I want this baby" she admitted.
"Okay then" he nodded. Kate let out a deep sigh before she laid her head on his shoulder.
"Thank you Tony"
"You're my partner Kate. I've got your back. Always" he muttered against the top of her head as his hand moved to cover hers on her lap.

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