Chapter Six

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Kate stood in the elevator, waiting for it to get to her floor. For almost nine months it had been the same, she would sit at her desk and do paperwork whilst the others went out into the field and when the day was over everyone would take it in turns to cook for her. And even though they all knew that Tony took her home every night, no one commented on it. And when he had started sleeping over and leaving spare clothes at her place, no one commented. After all, Kate needed comfort, she needed someone to help her do the things that she was struggling to do with her large bump in the way. She needed someone to chase away the nightmares of Ari. 
Tony carried her bag for her after she had struggled to climb out of the car, even with his help.
"I feel like a whale" She complained again.
"You're growing a baby, what do you expect? You have to grow so that the baby has space to grow"
"That doesn't make me feel any better" Kate grumbled. As the elevator reached their floor and the door opened they both climbed out and headed for their desks.
"Just think about the cute little baby you get at the end of it"
"And the sleepless nights, vomit, pee and other fluids" Kate groaned as she sank into her chair.
"I'm trying to help here"
"I know, I know. It's just, everything hurts" She grumbled, running a hand along the side of her stomach.
"It'll all be over soon enough Kate" McGee reminded her.
"Soon cannot come soon enough Tim" She grumbled. Gibbs entered the squad room and moved to stand in front of Kate's desk.
"How's the baby?"
"Same as yesterday" She shrugged.
"How are you?"
"Tired" He nodded.
"We've got a case" He announced, placing a cup of decaf coffee on Kate's desk. Tony and Tim grabbed their things and followed Gibbs to the elevator, each of them giving Kate a small smile as they left.

Kate had begun writing up her notes from the case with Abby sat nearby colouring in a Halloween image, despite it being June. Kate felt something shift under her, something that she had never felt before.
"Yeah Kate?"
"I think my water broke"
"OH MY GOD!" Abby squealed excitedly.
"ABBY!" Her squealing stopped "Call Tony. I need Tony"
"Right" Abby nodded and took out her phone, quickly dialing Tony's number before she put it on speaker and moved to help Kate up from her chair.
"Hey Abs, what's up?"
"Kate's water broke"
"She's in labour!?"
"Yep. I'm going to get her to the hospital, meet us there" Abby ordered as she grabbed Kate's things.
"I'll be there as fast as I can Kate. I promise"
"You'd better be there, Tony. I need you" Kate admitted.
"I know, I know. I'll be there Kate" He promised before he hung up.
"Let's get you to the hospital" Abby smiled, grabbing her phone.
"Kaitlin, your pants appear to be wet-" Ducky pointed out before he realized what it meant "Oh. I'll tell Mr Palmer to meet us at the hospital" Ducky said as he reached for the arm that Abby wasn't holding on to before he and Abby helped Kate to the elevator.

Kate let out another scream as a contraction washed over her.
"It's alright Kaitlin now, on the next contraction channel your energy into pushing"
"Yes my dear?"
"Please shut up" He nodded "I want Tony. Where is Tony?" Kate groaned as Abby brushed her hair away from her face.
"He's on his way" Abby assured her as Tony rushed into the room.
"I'm here, I'm here" Tony assured her, taking the hand that Ducky had just dropped.
"I can't do this"
"Yes you can Kate. I'm right here, we're going to do this together. You're not alone" He assured her. Gibbs and Tim appeared in the doorway, ushering everyone else out of the room.
"Let's do this" Tony said as he brushed her hair away from her face.
"Let's do this" Kate agreed.

Tony sat beside Kate on her hospital bed, the baby girl in her arms.
"Good job Kate" Tony smiled as he gently ran his thumb along the baby's head.
"Thank you" She muttered as she lay her head on his shoulder.
"For what?"
"Helping me. For doing what a husband would do"
"In that case, why wasn't I allowed to share your bed?" He teased, making her smile.
"Pregnancy is not hot, that's why" She teased back "But seriously, thank you"
"You're welcome" He let his head bump hers slightly "So, have you thought of a name yet?"
"Tali. The name of a little girl who died unnecessary, a little girl whose death hurt her sister. My Tali is a niece, a daughter, a granddaughter. My Tali will be a reminder of the good in the world, of God's good"
"Tali. I like it" Kate smiled against his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"Mind if we come in?" Abby asked, only her head visible where she peaked around the door.
"Sure" Kate smiled, neither she nor Tony pulled away as their team entered the room.
"She's beautiful Kate" Abby cooed at the baby.
"She has your eyes my dear" Ducky smiled.
"Good job Kate" Jimmy smiled.
"What's her name?" Gibbs asked.
"Tali" Kate told them.
"It's beautiful" Tim smiled.
"Agreed" Ducky added.
"So when are they letting you out?" Abby asked "I don't mind helping with this little princess"
"Not for a few days"
"I think we should make a chart of who visits when-"
"Thanks Abby but I think Tony and I have it covered" Kate didn't notice Gibbs' eyes going to Tony but Tony did. He was scared though, not because of the look itself but because of what it was missing, Gibbs wasn't mad at how close he and Kate had gotten. 
"We should let Kate rest" Gibbs announced, ushering everyone out of the room after they said goodbye to Kate. Gibbs moved over to the bed and looked down at the baby, gently stroking her head before he smiled at Kate "Well done" He gently kissed her forehead before he turned his attention to Tony "Look after them both" 
"Yes boss" Tony replied seriously and Gibbs took his answer seriously. Gibbs nodded, giving them one last glance before he left the room to, leaving Tony, Kate and Tali alone. 
"Tony, I was thinking about you moving in to help with Tali. She's going to need her uncle Tony around" 
"Uncle Tony" He muttered "Yeah, I think that's a great idea Kate" His arm tightened around her as his other went around Tali, holding both of his- holding both of them tightly. 

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