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Why didn't Bruce tell me he's friends with the Avengers?'

Joshua laughs a little. It makes her angrier. 

'Is he in the Avengers?'

Now they're quiet. That's enough of an answer for Harriet. 'He is, isn't he?'

She tries to guess who but her mind blanks out like a Whiteout line got drawn through it. She hasn't seen her mother's friend on the news at all.

'Who is he?'

Sasha is about to answer but Joshua shakes his head ever so slightly. 

Harriet narrows her eyes. 'If you won't tell me, I'll have to find out myself.'

Before anyone can utter a word, she starts running up the stairs, her sneakers barely making a noise as she lands on the balls of her feet.

The glass reflects the sun, the light shining on Harriet's face as she runs.

After a few minutes of sprinting, she feels strong arms wrap around her and she gasps, being pulled back by Joshua.

'You bloody prick! I'll have your fucking head for a marshmallow over a bloody fire! Let go of me!'

She can hear him laughing as he sets her down on the stairs. She can feel the eyes on her but she ignores them.

'Why did you do that?' She seethes, crossing her legs and balling her hands into fists.

'You're being immature.'

'I'm sick of everyone thinking i should always be mature. I'm 17, dumbass.'

Joshua sighs. There's a palpable silence and she speaks again. 'Can you at least tell me who Bruce really is?'

Joshua shakes his head as Sasha appears from the bottom of the stairs, panting a little.

'He should tell you himself.'

Harriet groans in annoyance. There's no convincing them. 

'Let's go then.'

When Harriet meets the Avengers, it's nothing like what she expected. 

Or, not what she'd seen on the news.

They're glorious and amazing and 'awesome', but they make Harriet feel lesser. 

These superheroes and their unique powers, and their unimaginable skills.

It makes her envious.

Black Widow looks at her-- yes, the Black Widow!--, a strand of the Avenger's red hair flicking over her perfect cheekbones. Harriet swallows. This is definitely a situation she never thought she'd find herself in.

'Who is this, Sasha?' The Widow says sceptically, her eyes narrowing at Harriet, causing the girl to squirm under her gaze.

Harriet runs a hand through her hair, splitting the hairline as she avoids eye contact with anyone and everyone.

'She's the girl. Ori's kid.'

'Harriet Brown?'

Sasha nods and Harriet rolls her eyes. 'I'll be working here. Sasha said that you would keep an eye on me. It's nice to meet you.'

Her voice is meek as she speaks and all she wants to do is leave the room.

'Yes, we'll keep an eye on you.' The Avenger says it like it's a statement, not an agreement. The other heroes haven't said a word, and Harriet spots Bruce from across the room. She shoots him a withering glare from which he responds to with a chagrined smile.

Why do the Avengers have to 'keep an eye' on her? Who's after her? Is she valuable in some way?

Harriet Percival Ames Brown is utterly confused.

a/n: man sorry i haven't updated in a bit; life throws curveballs at me all of the time so you'll have to bear with me. anywaysss... pietro will be here soon, don't worry, in all his bleached glory. harriet is starting to get her memory back now btw

love ya'll,

xo, -cie★ 

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