Part two

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Two years later

Scarlett POV

Two years have passed since I started my journey and it was one of the best decisions of my life. I kept my promise and called papa and dada at least 3 times a week and I try to come home for a week every few weeks.

During my journey, I met many mutants whom I tried to help and if I couldn't cope myself, I sent them to dad using one power that I copied in the 2nd month of my journey.

Then I met two mutants, a boy and a girl. He had the power to teleport and create portals and she had the power to control the elements. I met mutants with various and unusual abilities, but I didn't always copy their powers.

I discovered during my journey that when I copy a power it becomes twice as strong for me, so I became more careful if I copy the power. I don't want to draw unnecessary attention to me. Many people are greedy and I don't know what they would do to me if they found out how much power I have.

During my trip I saw Germany, Greece, Romania, Spain, France, Poland and Norway and I spent several weeks in each of these places. I'm planning to go to Italy now and then maybe to Rome. Thanks to the power of creating portals, I can appear in another country on the same day, but sometimes I fly by plane or will travel by ship.

During my trip, I published her second book Her Way. This is a fantastic book and was a bigger hit than my first one. I earned $200,000 from this book, which I gave to my dad as a donation, and when he wanted to give it back to me, I transferred him another $100,000. I finally decided to give myself a name and decided to call myself Black Rose.

I decided to change my name on the blog as well. The name I signed there seemed too childish, so I decided to change it to Shadowclaw. When Papa saw these changes, he said that these names really suited me. He mainly pointed out that I love playing with shadows and that I am mostly a night person.

I have a hard time waking up in the morning and to do that you have to be creative with my powers. Papa always woke me up with his cooking and dad would stroke my head and slowly wake me up. My phone woke me up from my thoughts.

" Hey dad " I said while answering the phone

" Hey Scar I have a request for you " he said

" How can I help you? " I asked

" Do you remember how a few months ago I detected strange signals that were not mutants " he replied

"Yes, I remember. You sent Kitty, Rogue and Storm to check it out " I replied,

" They couldn't find anything " he added,

" You want me to check it again. Do you think it's a danger to our species? " I said/asked 

" I have a feeling you'll do better there. You are more open and cautious about such matters. You'll be able to evacuate faster if something goes wrong. There's something about you that allows people to trust you quickly. That's one of the reasons you've been able to help so many mutants over the last two years " he said

He's right about that. People warm up to me quite quickly and start to trust me. I was able to calm down young and new mutants who lost control of their powers more effectively and faster than others. This was one of the reasons why I started helping others at school when I was 12, or it was when I was 10, I don't remember exactly.

" Where should I go? " I asked.

" Signals appear near Jasper, Nevada " he said after a while

" I have booked a chotel room for you for 3 weeks. I guess you'll find an apartment yourself if you have to stay there longer " he said

" I can handle it Dad " I replied

" I'm looking at the map now and I have about 3,500 kilometers to go. I will write to you and Papa when I get to the hotel " I replied

" "Take your time and do not rush. I don't want you to have an accident because you're driving too fast  " he replied

" I won't drive that fast, dad. I've read too much news about this to do something so stupid. I'll drive a bit and I suspect I'll use portals to get there faster " I replied and I hung up

" Goodbye Italy, Hello Jasper " I thought and entered the location in the GPS

I hope it won't be a waste of time and I will find something. I guess I'll have to find a job to blend in better. I have several hours of driving ahead of me without portals, but to avoid all difficulties I will definitely use them

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