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"We are going to be late," Amari shouted from the bottom of my stairs; her voice was shrill and rough. Her shout had me adjusting my skirt to put my phone in my pocket and run down the stairs.

"wow, you look amazing," Everett exclaimed, grabbing my bag and handing it to me as we rushed out the door, Amari nipping at our tails to get moving.

"what are you even supposed to be?" Amari asked, settling into the back seat.

"I'm a witch." That, weirdly enough, caused the two of them to laugh. "What we are going trick or treating witches are common costumes."

"I'm a zombie," Amelia announced. "It was easy just ripping up some old clothes."

"Well, I'm glad you both rose to the occasion," Everett said. "We are going to a friend's home to meet them before heading out."

"Who are we meeting?" I asked. The town gave way to trees lining the road.

"Amir, my cousin," Amari answered quickly. "he has a little brother, Jamir."

"So we are going trick or treating for his little brother," I confirmed. Amari waved her hand at me while checking her phone. She was not my first choice to hang out with, and I was beginning to wish I was watching scary movies with Katherin and Stacy. I glanced at Everett, and I felt a little better about coming since he was the one to invite me. My phone buzzed, and I hesitantly glanced at it. Katherin texted

'you didn't tell Stacy where you are going.'

'I'm not lying to her.'

'I hope that boy is worth it.' I threw my phone away first. It is unsafe to text and drive, but I couldn't look at Katherin's messages rolling in, each one more upset than the last.

"would you shut your phone up? The buzzing is annoying," Amari whined, still staring at her phone. Rolling my eyes, I glanced at her, about to tell her to leave me alone, when a crack sounded. Heart racing, I pulled onto the wheel; the car veered out of the way of the falling tree so that it did not fall on us. Wheels screeched as my brakes forced the moving vehicle to a stop.

"what the hell was that?" Amilia muttered, clutching her seat.

"I thought you knew how to drive, Riona," Amari said, banging on my seat.

"my thought was that she expertly avoided the falling tree." The tree falling made my heart race, but this unknown voice caused it to stop. Everett opened the door in a flash, dropping out of the car. Amari screamed, pulling at the door but unable to open it like Everett had. Amelia got out of the vehicle like Everett had. I locked eyes with this stranger. How did he get in my car? My brain repeatedly asked that question to the point that I could only sit and think about that question. He had big brown eyes and winked at me. 

"do you need help with the door, Amari?"

"leave her alone," Everett shouted from outside the car, now walking around to get to our side of the vehicle. Still, before he made it, this stranger reached over Amari, ignoring her yelp and opening the door. She scurried out of the car and grabbed onto Everett.

"you all should get back into the car," this stranger called out, "before the demon gets back." No one moved; I still don't think I was breathing.

"Casper, what are you doing here? You are scaring the shit out of everyone," Everett finally said

"Apologies, I was hunting a demon, and it attacked the tree trying to stop you," this stranger responded.

"demon," Everett and Amari let out strangled laughs. "What a Halloween joke."

"whether the humans believe in demons or not will not stop them from devouring their minds. I would recommend we get the humans out of here."

"what is out there?" Amari asked.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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