Last Glance of you...

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"Is it true that our relationship isn't real...?" Ask Ray while his voice was trembling and trying to hold his tears " you already knew..."Sand confessed Ray was shock and heartbroken he can't feel his legs and just fall on the ground and his tears finally fall down

"Why...*sniff*" Ray ask even though his too weak to speak from what Sand said "Revenge...I want to feel you what I felt being a second option how the pain you gave to me!"Sand shouted out on Ray "Why are you crying huh!?, I'm the one who's have no right to CRY!!"Sand shouted while his tears purring out "It's your fault why my birthday is a mess! When you came into my life you ruined everything!" Sand said and pointing out to Ray, Ray just sitting there while crying and accepting all Sand words

"You ask me what I want for my birthday right?"Sand ask Ray, Ray didn't answer "RIGHT!"Sand repeated and Ray just nodded from fear

"...well all I want is you to be gone. I wish I've never meet you. I wish I didn't see you're face forever!. I wish you are never exist in my life." Sand said and leave, Ray just grip his fist on the carpet and shout from the top of his lungs

After Ray cried he go to Y.O.L.O and he drink a lot of alcohol Cheum just join him

"Ai Ray stop drinking you already finished in Rehab now look at you"Cheum warn Ray "what are doing here anyway?"Ray ask even though his drunk "Because you ask me to,Ai Ray stop it" Cheum answer even trying Ray to stop drinking

"*chuckles* I'm already a burden now I still ask can leave I don't want to be a burden to you because that's what I am" Ray stated and stand up and go to his car Cheum about to open the passenger sit but Ray just drive away With a high speed and now Cheum already more worried on Ray so he dial Sand number



Sand, where are you it's me Cheum

Im at home why?

Please help me, Ray drive away With a high speed I don't have my car on me

...fine where did he go

In the **** please hurry!


Sand turn off the call and hurriedly go to his motorbike and follow Ray while he was finding Ray he got a text on Ray saying "you already received my gift for you" Sand was confused but his heart was beating rapidly

When he arrive on the location he saw a car that was in inverted position he recognized the car and he got off his motorbike and find Ray he him out of the car his head was bleeding so much and he saw Ray phone on his hand and had a blood on it Sand call for help while crying and trying to wake Ray but nothing working

When the Rescuers came they bought to the hospital, Sand just waiting on the waiting area praying that Ray will survive any minute later the doctor came out and look at Sand with sad face

"Is he okay?"Sand ask trying to be strong and the doctor lower his head "I'm sorry he didn't make it from the accident all his bones are broken and brain are the most damage in the accident that can lead to him to death, we are very sorry we tried our best to save him..." And that Sand fall on his knees even his tears can't come out from the shocking news any later the Only friends group came in the hospital and see Sand on the floor Boston charge to him and grip on his jacket "what happened to Ray! Is he alive!"Boston asked and Sand tears finally fall down and that give all of them an answer

(Fast forward since I'm in a hurry)

3 years later

"Sawatdee krub, how are you Sand?"Nick ask " I'm fine you?" Sand ask back "I'm fine still learning to love myself" Nick answer while drink his juice came from the restaurant "Are you and Boston communicating?" Sand ask "hmm...sometimes both of us taking a same therapy and gladly his improving so am i"Nick happily announced "when you two finally finished the therapy will you two will be back together" Sand ask again "I've already think about that and Boston suggested that we will start in friendship and let the future what will happen to us" "hm...that's was new to boston" "right? He really improving, oh by the way do you have a lover?" Nick ask changing the topic

"No, im still not interested since what happened to..." Sand just sigh "it's not your fault anyway you just snapped and heartbroken that time"..."what if you go in this place *show the pic card* someone said this is magical can only happened in only once in a life time of a person" Nick recommended "Did you already came here?" "No, cause my wish already happening, but if the rumor is not true atleast the view is taking all the burden" Nick said positively

And that Sand go to that place once he reach the cliff the view was beautiful the whole of Bangkok can see up here

Sand sit down and he close his eyes imagining Ray sitting beside him
"What a nice view..."A familiar voice that make Sand open his eyes look on his side and see Ray smiling at him Sand tears start to fall down and Ray wipe his tears "I'm sorry" Ray Apologies "don't be I should apologize if I..." Sand can't continue his words from sadness but Ray just hug him and saying it's okay, I'm okay

Both just admire the scenery and Ray slowly fading, Sand just watch Ray fading while his tears falling down "Goodbye Sand don't worry ill be in your side" Ray promised and finally gone when the Sun is gone

1 year later

"Excuse me!" The boy called Sand, Sand look at the boy at surprise, the boy is look alike of Ray but only on his eyes and lips Sand just shake his head and smiled

"How can I help you?"Sand ask

"Can I have a 2 lemonade medium and 1 Milktea Okinawa Large please" the boy ordered

"OK so what's their name?"Sand ask "uhm for 2 lemonade it's Tian and Phupa and for milktea it's Longtae that's my name" Longtae introduce "you have a cute name" Sand compliment "Hey don't flirt on him his my son."Tian said

Ok thats enough I don't have time I'm in a hurry seriously....

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