Till death do us part

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Sand and Ray finally get engaged both was very happy but Ray was happier because he finally be with the person he love that who patient on him

Week after both planning their wedding but out of nowhere Ray feel pain on his chest all Ray friends especially Sand immediately take him to the hospital and they found out Ray was diagnosed by a heart disease

Sand heart sanked and almost fall on the ground thankfully Top catch him on time

Mew: it's all my fault if I didn't break his heart So many times this won't happened

Cheum: don't blame yourself we don't know what will happen in the future and you only do that because it's the right thing

Ray: Guys...


Ray look at Sand and smiled at him a beautiful smile that they only saw for the first time

Ray: *hold Sand hand* let's get married already... we don't know when will happened tomorrow-

Sand: *tightened the hold* no don't talk like that you will live and we will get married whenever we want, promise me

This time Sand trying not to cry


And that all Ray strength he have, he stay healthy just for Sand wish even though he's tired he stay alive just for him

Months later both got married and this time Ray was very weak and Sand notice it

Both are sitting on a balcony looking in the star

Sand: *hold Ray hand gently* Love if your tired you can rest now...

Ray look up to Sand eyes and smile for the last time

Ray: ok...don't worry I will take a quick rest...

Sand:....mhm...ill wait and we will talk to our future when you woke ok?...

Ray just nodded and lay his head on Sand shoulder while tightly holding each other hand

Any later Sand feel a loosen grip from Ray hand, Sand smile to Ray's beautiful face, Ray is always beautiful when he was sleeping, so Sand kiss Ray forehead for a last time

Sand: Good Night my love, don't worry I will wait for you even it takes a thousand years

Sorry if it's short...

Ps. I'm posting this because it's been sitting here for a very long time

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