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Khao PoV

Here I am looking at the mirror seeing my reflection....heh..I'm getting'm already fat

Oh! I remember whenever I see my friends having a perfect body sexy and handsome/beautiful/pretty I can't help myself to look at the mirror, fat and have no beautiful face

I actually jealous, I wish have those. Oh I forgot I have a boyfriend name first, I don't know what he see on me

He's handsome had beautiful body and had beautiful smile, why do I deserve him...

While I'm in deep thought I feel arms wrap around my waist and I look back seeing First hugging me

"Insecurities?" He ask and I just nodded "don't think about that *cup my face* you're perfect as you are" he said in a beautiful smile and suddenly  fall and I buried my face on his chest

"Shh~ I'm here" he said in a calming voice

I'm jealous, anyway that's my condition right now having Insecurities 🙃 well my mother told me that so fat and I'm the fattest in my class men that hurts my feelings 😅 well get used to it but still hurts....😅 woah! Anyway bye ^^

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