#5 : The Welcoming

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The morning sun bathed the imperial palace in a warm, golden glow as the day began anew. Within the palace walls, Emperor Xing Chen went about his duties, weighed down by the events of the previous night. The revelation of the incident that had unfolded between Xiao Wei and the mysterious intruder, Zheng, had left him deeply troubled.

Xing Chen had been informed of the confrontation by his vigilant younger brother, Xing Yi, who had stumbled upon the aftermath of the battle in the moonlit chamber. Xing Yi had recounted the details with a sense of unease, and it had left Xing Chen with a gnawing sense of worry.

Xing Chen's troubled musings were abruptly interrupted when news arrived that the bride candidates had arrived at the palace. The emperor's heart sank with the realisation that the crucial moment had come, and he was unsure if Xiao Wei would be in any condition to welcome the prospective empresses.

With a heavy heart, Xing Chen hurried to the grand reception hall, where the bride candidates were to be formally introduced to him. The chamber had been adorned with lavish decorations, and an air of anticipation hung in the atmosphere.

As he entered the hall, Xing Chen couldn't help but cast anxious glances around, searching for any sign of Xiao Wei. He had relied on her unwavering support and guidance in such matters before, and her absence left him feeling vulnerable and uncertain.

The bride candidates, resplendent in their elegant attire, awaited the emperor's arrival with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Their eyes were filled with anticipation as they prepared to make their formal greetings.

Xing Chen stood at the centre of the grand chamber, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. He couldn't shake the concern that lingered in his heart, wondering if Xiao Wei would be able to fulfil her role as the welcome hostess for the bride candidates. The fate of the dynasty and his potential empress hung in the balance, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

As the doors to the reception hall swung open to announce the arrival of the bride candidates, Xing Chen's gaze remained fixed on the entrance, hoping to catch a glimpse of Xiao Wei and receive some reassurance that she was well enough to carry out her duties.

"Welcome to all the bride candidates of different dynasties," a sweet voice echoed through the grand reception hall, capturing the attention of everyone present. The voice was unmistakably that of Xiao Wei.

As the words resonated in the air, all eyes turned toward the entrance of the chamber, where Xiao Wei stood. She had emerged, her presence commanding and her figure regal, despite the events of the previous night. Her attire was a testament to her poise, and the hushed gasps of admiration from the bride candidates filled the room.

Xing Chen's heart swelled with relief as he laid eyes on Xiao Wei. Her resilience and determination had not wavered, and she had risen to the occasion despite the physical and emotional toll of the battle with Zheng.

With a graceful and welcoming smile, Xiao Wei stepped forward, her movements measured and elegant. She addressed the bride candidates with warmth and sincerity, putting them at ease and making them feel welcomed.

"I am Yue Xiao Wei, and I have the honour of being your hostess today," she continued, her voice carrying a hint of warmth and hospitality. "Please, allow me to guide you through this important event as we embark on a journey to find the future empress of our dynasty."

The bride candidates exchanged appreciative glances, acknowledging the grace and elegance of their hostess. Xiao Wei's presence had a calming effect on the proceedings, and her assurance put everyone at ease.

As the introductions and formal greetings began, Xiao Wei navigated the delicate intricacies of etiquette with finesse, ensuring that the bride candidates were received with the utmost respect and consideration.

The reception continued with Xiao Wei at the helm, guiding the bride candidates through the proceedings with charm and grace. As the potential empresses made their introductions, the future of the dynasty hung in the balance, and the palace was filled with an air of anticipation and possibility.

As the day unfolded, Xiao Wei's resilience and determination shone brightly, and the events of the previous night began to fade into the background. The pursuit of justice, the mysteries surrounding the murder, and the enigmatic Zheng remained unresolved, but for now, the focus was on the selection of a future empress.

In the grand reception hall, the emperor, the bride candidates, and the palace servants bore witness to Xiao Wei's unwavering commitment to her duties, and they couldn't help but be inspired by her strength and grace in the face of adversity.

As the bride candidates introduced themselves one by one, their voices filled the grand reception hall with a sense of anticipation and curiosity. The emperor and Xiao Wei listened attentively, evaluating each candidate's words and demeanour.

One of the candidates, Qin Sang Guo, stepped forward with a dignified presence and a warm smile. Her voice was gentle yet confident as she introduced herself.

"I am Qin Sang Guo, hailing from the Qin dynasty," she began. "It is an honour to stand before Your Majesty and to have the opportunity to potentially serve as the empress of the Yue dynasty. I come with a deep respect for your traditions and culture and a genuine desire to contribute to the harmony and prosperity of our lands."

Xing Chen acknowledged her introduction with a nod, and the other bride candidates followed suit, taking their turns to present themselves.

Among them was Zhang Sue Ling, whose vibrant personality and wit shone through as she spoke. Her introduction was met with appreciative laughter from those gathered, and she exuded a charisma that was hard to ignore.

"I am Zhang Sue Ling, representing the Zhang dynasty," she declared with a twinkle in her eye. "I believe that a sense of humour and laughter can bring joy even in the most challenging times. Your Majesty, I look forward to the possibility of sharing moments of mirth and happiness with you."

Following Zhang Sue Ling was her sister, Zhang Xiao Ling, whose gentle and demure demeanour contrasted with her sister's vivacity. She introduced herself with a soft-spoken voice and a bow of humility.

"I am Zhang Xiao Ling," she said with grace. "I come from the Zhang dynasty as well, and I hold the values of kindness and compassion close to my heart. Your Majesty, it would be an honour to be of service to you and our dynasty."

As each bride candidate presented herself, Xiao Wei observed them with a discerning eye, mindful of her duty to assist in the selection process. However, it was Qin Sang Guo's introduction that caught her attention, not just for her eloquence but for something more.

As Qin Sang Guo spoke, Xiao Wei's gaze fell upon a distinctive cherry blossom burn mark on her wrist—the very same mark that adorned Xiao Wei's own skin. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized the rare and unique symbol they both shared.

Xiao Wei couldn't help but feel a connection to Qin Sang Guo, a bond formed by the mysterious mark that had always remained a part of her identity. The discovery left her with a sense of intrigue and wonder, as if fate had woven their paths together in an unexpected way.

Emperor Xing Chen continued to listen to the introductions, unaware of the subtle connection that had formed between Xiao Wei and Qin Sang Guo. As the proceedings unfolded, the palace was filled with the excitement and tension of a momentous decision that would shape the destiny of the dynasty. 

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