Chapter: 5

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( There are some violence in this chapter 'Not much' if you are uncomfortable you can skip the starting and start read from middle of the chapter )

Gabriel Armstrong.

The man in front of me cried out in pain as I punch him again and again. He is starting to make me piss now.
"Tell me where are they?" I punch him again. He is not speaking just groaned in pain.
"Please let me go I don't know anything." He lied again.
" Do you take me for an idiot. Tell me where are they and maybe just maybe I will let you walk out of here on you feet."I said and of course I liad he is not going out of here alive. I will going to give him a slowe and pain full death. I can see he is afraid of me it clear in his eyes and he should be. He have every reason to be. He is not in good shape. His whole body covered in blood and brushes.
He had a black eye and broken nose if it someone else I may have feel pity but I don't, not for him.

I have connections everywhere but sense I rule the New York Underworld I also have connections with New York police department. From few months there are missing riports of girls from age 12 to 24 few of them are tourist. My informers give me some news about few gangs are doing sex trafficking and this man is mamber of one of the gang. My family may be in mafia world from generations but we have  some ruls and tope to them is no human trafficking. Its a line that no one cross here but some stupid man decide to cross it and now I had to save those woman before something bad happened to them. One thing for sure they are still here in Ner York according to my information. This son of a bi*ch know where they are but he is not opening his mouth and it's pi*sing in off.

I go toward the table on which lays the weapon for torturing him. I pick up a sharp knife and examing it.
and walk back to him.

"You know I don't like to repeat myself but for you I will do it one last time tell me where are those girl and every time you lie I will cut down one of your body part. so where are there." I said in low voice.

"Oh man you better do as he said when he talk in this video he mean business" Archer my right hand and my best friend said. Few off my most trusted man are here with me.

"I d... don't Ahhh." before he can finish his sentence I cut one of his finger. He yell in pain.

"Told you didn't I if you lied you lose one of your body part. Now be careful what came out of you mouth next." I am going to cut him into pieces until he tell me what I want but I won't let him die. He is a ra*ist and he has to pay for his sins before he die and I am going to make sure it was slow and painful.

By the end of it Archer and I was cover in blood but we don't stop we take turns to speak with him.

"ple... please sto... Ahhhh." He yell as I plug the knife in his thigh and drag it upward blood pure out of it when I take out the knife.

" I..I wi..will tell eve.. everything pl.. please s..stop." He said finally he reach his bracking point.

"Finally!!" Archer said in relief we are here for hours.

"Start speaking." I said I wanted it over fast Daisy is  home with my sister. My sister decided to come home from her vocation little earlier because of Olivea stupidity and she didn't go unpunished I make sure she didn't fined any job of an nanny in anywhere I want to kill her but Archer stop me but my sister had long talk with her which leave her with swollen cheek and fer brouses.

"They a..are in cargo." He start talking after listening where are they and tell my man to go chick if he telling the truth. After fifteen minutes they confirm that they notice some unusual activity and man in masks there.

" Well Mr. 'whatever you name is' thank you for your information." I said with evil smile.

"please let me go I have I family." he plead with me for his life.

"Oh are you talking about you wife and children or your mist*esses. You cheated on you wife and beat you children. I talk with you wife and give her few pictures of you with another woman and I also tell her that you are also a ra*ist she herself told me to kill you and tell you that she and her children are better without you." With that I ture around and start  talking with my man.

"Give him a very painful death." one of my man step forward and pick up a screwdriver.

"Don't worry boss we got this." I laugh and walk out of room but not before I tell them to have fun.

Archer follow after me. I can hear his painful cry and  he diserve it.

"Gather all of our man we need to save those girls." I tell Archer we walk in my office and go towards the little closet I have here to pick some clothes to change I am covered in blood from head to toe.

"I already done it." He said , that why he is my best friend he know me well. We know each other from childhood his father and father are closed friends and I used to go to each other house play.
" Okey let me change first then we will make a plan."

In the bathroom I turn on the shower. Warm water help me relax a little I closed my eyes and Vivian picture come into my mind. How she start blushing  when I kiss on her hand, her sweet and alluring small of her which reminds me of nature and roses.

It's been four days sense I met her in that bakery and Daisy keep asking about her that she wanted to meet her again and she missed her.

Well she is not alone I wanted to meet her again and I miss her too but I have to take care of this people first. I don't know if this is love at first sight or simply something else but I don't think this is lu*t because I try to sleep with other woman but it didn't work the moment that woman walk into the hotel room I compareing her with Vivian and I soon find out no one can come close to her.

I didn't even touch her and walk out. I simply didn't want anyone but my Bellissima, she is mine and I going to make sure everyone know that as soon as possible. She will be mine and only mine and I am her's. Now that I have not just my daughter but also Vivian to protect I have to make sure they are secured 24/7. Specially Bellissima senses we don't know right now who is the master mind of this sex trafficking.

Daisy is safe with my sister she is more then able to protect Daisy she is trained when is come to fighting our father make sure of it and I ask one of my most trusted man to look after Bellissima from afare so she don't find him.
I have to find I way to make her stay with me in my home and I think I do have a plan and for the plan to work I need Daisy help and I know she will be more then happy to help.

I smile and turn off I shower. After changing into new clothes I walk out of the bathroom.

I meet Archer in wholeway he also changed his bloody clothes. We walk in the room and saw people everywhere. I cleared my throat and started speaking we made a plan and I tell them to notify the hospital to be ready for us. I want evey girl to have full body checkup after we save them who know what those bu*terd do with them. I also own few hospitals to help people who don't have enough money for treatment.

"Okey guys it's time to go and make sure not to hurt those girls in any way be careful with them." I warn them. They all nodded there head. I just want all of this to be over so I can start my next plan. And next plan is
'how to convenience my Bellissima to live with me.' God I miss her so much.


( Okey my sweet reader that all for today I hope you like it. Please like and comment and if you find any mistakes please tell me I will correct it I hope you had nice day bye bye and love ya ♥️♥️)

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