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Vivian Flammery.

The next morning, I wake up with a heavy chest, and as I think about what happened last night, I couldn't sleep the whole night and only able get a little sleep in the early hours of the morning.

Whenever I dare to close my eyes Gabriel's face keeps running behind my closed eyes as I can't help but remember the hurt I saw on his face when I told him that I didn't have feelings for him, but in reality, it was quite the contrary of what I wanted to say, and I am scared to even accept my own feelings. How can I tell him then?

I walk into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. My eyes are red and puffy from all the crying I did all night.

There is this pain in my heart that I can't get rid of, and Gabriel's expansion and his cold behavior after what happened are so much to take that I couldn't help but let my tears fall from my eyes the whole night.

And the worst thing about this mess is that I can't blame anyone for it, but myself thought I do ask myself the question many times: Did I do the right thing by pushing him away? Or should I have just talked to him?

I know the second option sounds better, but I did what I did, and I can't change it now.

The truth is, I regretted doing it as soon as those words left my mouth, and I saw the hurt in his eyes and how he closed himself completely after that and before I could take my work back, it's too late.

I sigh and remove my clothes to let the water run down my body and clear all the tiredness and sadness in the hope that it can also wash away my regret and the memory of last night.

When I step out of the bathroom, wrap a towel around my body, and walk into the closet to wear my clothes, I don't even notice what I take and pick up the first thing that comes into my hands.

I look myself in the mirror. I was wearing a black hoodie, black skinny jeans, and white shoes. My eyes are still red, but not noticeable if you are not looking closely. I run my fingers through my hair and let them fall on my

My clothes look as dark as my mood, but whatever it could be worse than this

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My clothes look as dark as my mood, but whatever it could be worse than this.

I walk out of my room and go to Daisy's room to wake her up. She was sleeping peacefully, and she looked so cute.

I lean on the doorframe and watch her sleep for a few more minutes before walking inside and kneeling beside her bed.

"Angel." I stroked her hair softly. She moved in her sleep but didn't wake up.

"Come on, Angel, it's time to wake up." I kissed her nose, and she smiled but still didn't open her eyes, pretending to be asleep.

"Since my little Daisy is not waking up, I need to get a tickle monster." I know this is the only thing that will wake her up.

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