Chapter: 10

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Hello guys, I am so sorry for updating so late, but my uncle died a day after the new year; he was hospitalized before that. It was all so chaotic here after that, but I will update a little faster now.

I hope you all like this chapter. It was the longest chapter I ever wrote.


Vivian Flammery.

I can't stop thinking about last night and what he told me about Daisy's mother, if you can call her that.

I mean, what mother practically sold her child, I wouldn't do it for anything.

I could see the pain in his eyes when he told me how she was going to abort the baby. I couldn't help but reach out to touch his hand in the hope of taking his pain away.

I feel some insane attraction towards that man that I never felt before. I mean, I had a boyfriend before, and I am not a virgin either, but it's something deeper than I ever felt, whatever it is.

One thing I noticed is that he kisses me a lot, not on my lips but on my forehead and cheeks. He makes me feel special.

I don't know what it means for him.
But for me, kissing someone's forehead is more intimate than kissing their lips. I remembered that my father used to do that to my mother. It's the purest form of showing someone their love, not just in a romantic way.

Every time his lips touched my skin, I felt this electricity run through my whole body, and butterflies started dancing in my stomach.

This is one of the reasons why I am hesitant to work for him, because if I agreed to become Daisy's babysitter, he would become my employer, and I don't think it is a good idea to be around him all the time when I feel hot down there whenever he is around me.

The second reason was that I had to move into his house if I agreed; he told me that last night, and I have to leave this apartment and Moly behind.

I don't know how I feel about it; Moly has always been there for me. Since I met her in high school, I don't know how she is going to react to it.

Right now, I am making pancakes and eggs for breakfast. Last night, when I came back, I thought Moly was going to eat my ears off, asking questions nonstop, but when I opened the door, she was sleeping on the couch. I didn't wake her up, but I covered her with a blanket and turned off the light.

I know she was going to wake up in any minute and start asking about last night.

I was almost finished, and I was placing the pancake on the table when I heard her footsteps. I looked up, and there she was, standing in blue jeans and a white shirt. Her blond hair was tied in a massy bun, and she had a big smile on her face.

I grunted loudly, which made her laugh hard. I know she is going to start her questions and will not let me go, not until I answer every single one of them.

She came up to me and sat down in front of me.

''So, tell me everything about how it went last night. I was waiting for you, but I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, the light was off. So, I decided to ask you in the morning, Now tell me, How was your date?'' She started wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

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