Right Back Where We Started

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On April the 1st, 2019, the Earth was destroyed in a cataclysmic event. Billions of people were wiped out in a matter of minutes. Ironically, the seven survivors of the apocalypse were the very people who brought it on.
The Seance and the Horror both fell from a blaring blue portal in Dallas, Texas, screaming as they hit the ground, gasping for breath as they looked back at the portal close behind them, the feeling of dread and disappointment welling up in their stomachs - exhilarating for one and excruciating for the other. Klaus ran down the street like a madman in desperation, asking each passerby for the date, before Ben could point out an old magazine dumped in a trash can.
"'February 11, 1960'?" he read out, pointing to the date. "1960." he repeated, as the two looked at each other with the same thought in mind. "Shit."
It happened again about 8 months later, energy crackling in the same alley as this time Allison fell on her back, the wind from the portal blowing through her hair as she watched it close with tears of panic in her eyes. The Rumour wandered through the empty streets in the dark, stumbling into a restaurant but pausing when she felt all eyes on her. Turning to who she assumed was the owner, just pointed at a sign above his head, reading 'Whites Only' as she had a moment of realisation of the timeline she must have been in.
Rowan can't say he's ever feared death. There were times he even longed for it to take him out of his misery: when his dad had one too many beers, the months he spent alone in the apocalypse, the burning sensation his powers gave him whenever he tried to go back. That was until Five came along, just as scared and alone as he was on his first day in hell. Eventually, the closer the two got over the years, Rowan's will to live grew for him, because he knew if he left, Five couldn't bare to stay without him.

As the sound of electricity blared through his ears, Rowan felt the portal open up beneath him and came tumbling out onto the hard concrete, much like he had 6 days prior when he first arrived at the Umbrella Academy. As the brunette collected himself, a wave of deja vu washing over him, ensuring nothing about him had changed anymore than before, he looked back to check on the others, before watching as the portal closed up above him. A rush of panic flooded his thoughts as he scanned his surroundings to find anything that'd tell him where he was, or when.

The boy stepped out onto the bustling street of what he recognised as Dallas, people dressed in old fashioned attire, such as men in bowler hats and women in dresses down to their knees. Strolling calmly through the street so as to not raise any more suspicion, he walked until he found a newspaper bin, giving him a sense of nostalgia he wished he'd stop feeling. The date read 'January 1st 1961' as Rowan sighed in annoyance. He'd always hated the 60s.
"Happy new year to me."
On a rainy day in Dallas 1962, the portal opened once more, the hybrid ape falling from the sky onto a dumpster, practically destroying it with his strength. Staring at the space where the blast of energy once was, realising none of his siblings had followed after him, he called for them one by one, mainly Allison, a nearby homeless drunk deciding to join him in his search for her, shouting her name at the top of their lungs down the dark streets of Dallas.
Unlike the others who fell clumsily on their backs in the alley, Diego landed on both feet in a hero-like manner, on a windy night on September 1st 1963. As he too watched the portal zap shut he mentally cursed himself before hearing a cry for help nearby, immediately running to the sound to put an end to whoever was causing trouble to an innocent person. Darting towards a man who had stolen a woman's purse, who bolted from the scene upon seeing him go after him, Diego throwing a knife to catch the fabric of his jacket, trapping him on the power line before retrieving the purse and handing it back to the woman, who just stared at him in a mix fear and shock. Diego didn't react to this, however, instead walking towards a nearby window of the shop of the alley he'd landed in, a TV blaring JFK's presidential speech.
Vanya groaned as she hit the floor, gripping her head in pain looking up to the strange blare of light in the sky as she stumbled onto the street and mistakenly into the road before a car hit her, knocking her over leaving her more delirious and confused than she was before, her last moment of consciousness having a woman and a young boy stand over her with worried and scared expressions.
The last of the seven survivors jumped through the portal, only just catching himself before his face could hit the ground, pulling himself up as he hurriedly looked behind him for his family.
"Rowan! Luther! Diego!" he called out at the blare of energy before it zapped shut for a final time. The blaring of gunshots firing behind him pulled him out of the pang of guilt he felt for the others he unintentionally left behind as he watched Russian soldiers being shot to death, a tank rolling it's way towards the Americans and multiple planes dropping bombs on the lot. Five jumped for cover, finding a newspaper with the headline 'Soviets attack US'. "No, this can't be right." Five sighed as he furthered into the gunfire, the yelling of soldiers overlapping, requesting medics, telling civilians to keep their heads down. "What the hell did we do now?"

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