The Swedish Job

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The year was 1960, it had only been a few days since Klaus' arrival in the timeline and for the third time since discovering Stradtler's Restaurant on his first day, in the same booth with piles of food that would continue to be unpaid for, trying to cram in breakfast, lunch and dinner all in one go.
"You need to get out," the manager approached for the third time that day. "You smell, and you're frightening my clientele. I told you–" Stuffing his face with more food from the variety of plates laid out in front of him, he spat:
"How dare you, I am a member of the royal family–!" To his surprise the manager grabbed him by his armpits and forced him out of his booth, grunting against Klaus' struggle to free himself, before throwing him out the door onto the pavement, falling face first at the feet of an elderly woman dressed in designer-wear.
"Chanel," Klaus raised his head from the concrete, noticing the branded shoes. Lowering her sunglasses in pity, she kneeled down to the man, offering him her hand to help him up, who immediately noticed the large diamond ring on her gloved finger.
"Oh, you poor thing! Let me help you up," she cooed as he looked up at her with sorrowful eyes, milking what he could out of her as she led him down the street, arm in arm. "Come with me, I'll take care of you."
"Seriously, Klaus?" Ben stood watching from the entrance to the restaurant with his arms folded, not believing his brother for taking advantage of some random rich lady.

That he did - a month or two later Klaus shared a revelation with her that he was the Messiah, using Ben to give the illusion of miracles, lifting him in the air in front of a crowd who erupted in applause and admiration as the ghost struggled under his weight.

It had been a year after the 'discovery' of Klaus' abilities, and he had gained many followers who viewed him as the next Jesus, how he advertised himself. Now with long hair and a matching beard, he travelled through Baja, Mexico on a coach with his disciples, one of the many places Klaus spread his message and shared his miracles. A year later in Varanasi, India he walked through a lake wearing nothing but his underwear while a now larger crowd of devotees placed leis around his neck until they reached his chin, brushing their hands on him for luck.

His religion only began to grow as the years went on, now in San Francisco, 1963, gathered in a large field where countless people dressed in the same garments went on for miles, crowding around Klaus and bowing to him, who uneasily smiled, backing away from the endless hands reaching out to him, before suggesting to commune with music, everyone simultaneously beginning to whistle the same note with their eyes closed and hands above their heads, as Klaus used this as his escape, ducking through the crowd and desperately rushing to the car where Ben was there for him.
"Get in the car!"
"What? Why? Where are we going?" the Horror straightened up from where he was leaning, Klaus frantically fumbling with the car door.
"Away." Jumping in, Ben crawled over the driver's seat to the passenger side as Klaus followed him quickly, shutting the door behind him.
"Away where?"
"To see an old friend."
"You can't just run out on them."
"Yeah, watch me," he challenged, stepping on the gas and escaping from what he thought would be heaven, but was really more like hell.
Passed out on the couch, Diego was drenched in blood from his encounter with Reginald at D.S. Umbrella the night before, so Lila took the liberty of tending to his wounds, using a makeshift hot cauter to close his stab wound. Obviously, Diego's eyes shot open from the feeling of his skin sizzling under the heat as he screamed, Lila immediately shushing him with no remorse for his pain.
"Don't move, this thing is very finicky,"
"What happened?"
"I saved your stupid life," she put simply, cleaning the blood on his stomach with a cotton pad.
"Were you following me?"
"Uh- hey, what about a little gratitude, knife boy. If it wasn't for me, you'd be dead," defending herself, she looked down at him from sanitising the cut. "That's twice now, by the way." After a moment, realisation hit that despite the burn, there was also a slight chill that would only occur if one wasn't wearing their clothes, lifting his head up to face her knelt above him and to look down at his bare body.
"The hell happened to my clothes?"
"I said don't move!" Ignoring her, he sat up before she burned him once more causing him to shriek in pain and fall back to his current position in surrender. "There. That's better."

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