Chapter Nine

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Victoria POV

Australian Grand Prix race day, and man, was I nervous.

I hadn't really had the best start to the season, but I was going to try my hardest to get the best result I could get.

What I hated was the fact Nicole had opened up my feelings towards a certain British man, the stupid accents.

I bumped unto someone dropping my things on the floor.

"Shit," I say, bending down. I look up, seeing I bump into Lando, who bent down, handing me my phone .

"You're clumsy on track and off. I should have known," he smirks.

"I'm not clumsy," I was clumsy, the mostly clumsy person you'll know, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"Try not to crash today," he says, holding his hand out, which I take standing up.

"Only if you don't," he shrugs.

"I'll try, but I think you have that problem more than me," he says, walking away.


"Holy shit," I say to myself.

"That's P4," Ricciardo says through the radio P4 I got P4 in the race.

I hop out of the car rushing towards my team who cheers for me. I watch as Charles does the same after getting P3.

"You had one hell of a race," Charles says, hugging me, which I return.

I look to my side, seeing Lando pull his balaclava, his curls showing I knew I was staring but something about him after a race made me not want to look away but I do when I see Max walk over to him.

"Vic," Oscar shouts, I smile, walking over to him. "Good race,"

"I didn't think I'd be able to do it,"

"What have I told you about doubting yourself?"

"I know, but I can't help it," I glance beside us. Lando had now finished his conversion with Max and was walking over to us.

"Well done, mate," Oscar says, patting him on the back for getting P2.

"Thanks, you had a good race too," Oscar nods, going from P12 to P6. Lando then turns to me with a small smirk on his face. "You didn't crash,"

"As much as I wanted to when I saw your car in front of me, I urged myself out of it," he lets out a small laugh.

"Well done, Carter," stupid accent.

"Well done, Norris," he nods, walking towards the cool of room.

"No," Oscar says. I turn to him frowning "your not allowed to have a crush on another one of my teammates,"

"First of I only had a crush on Frederick for like a week besides I don't have a crush on Lando," he hums.

"Yeah, of course not. I mean, it's not like you get all googly eyed when he comes near," he speaks. "Oh wait, you do,"

"I do not," he stares at me. "Maybe I do its the accent," I state.

"You're such a liar if it was just the accent Ollie would have been on your list,"

"Ollies like a brother to me,"

"Admit, you have feelings," he looks at me. "we never hide anything from each other."

"Don't try to guilt me, but fine, I may be attracted to him, but it's only minor,"

"For now," he smiles. "I told you he's an alright guy when you get to know him. I'd support it,"

"There's nothing to support. Nothing is going to happen,"

"Because you don't want it to or won't let it?"

"Because I don't know what he thinks of me," I say.

"I could always get it out of him," he suggests I shake my head.

"As much as I want to know, I feel like getting you involved wouldn't be right. I mean, my best friend, his teammate, I don't want you in the middle of it,"

"You sure?"

"Positive," I smile. I knew that Oscar would figure out what Lando thought he could pretty much get anything out of anyone if he wanted, but I didn't want him getting involved. I mean, it could get messy for all of us.

"Please tell me you're going to come out and celebrate," he asks, giving me his puppy dog eyes.

"Logan going?" He nods."Then yeah, I'll message Katie,"

"It's been so long since we've had a night out all together," he smiles. "The band is back,"


"Victoria Carter red is certainly your colour," Arthur says, walking over to us.

"Don't I know it," I hug him back. "Where's Charles?"

"Over there with the others," he points to the back of the club Charles placed himself between Carlos and Max V seated beside Max V was Lando and Daniel. "Come on, let's get over there," he takes my hand, leading me through the crowd Oscar and Katie following behind. "The party has finally arrived," Arthur says Logan laughs.

"The party was already here," Max V frowns. Charles shakes his head.

"No, the party arrived when these four got here,"

"Go hard or go home," Katie says.

"I guess you should show us the party then," Lando says looking straight at me.

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