Extra one: Demon AU

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Masaru wasn't exactly well liked. It was common knowledge in his village that he had the eyes of a demon. People in the streets would mock him, he got kicked out of the small elementary school because they didn't want him "Corrupting" the other kids. 'Who wouldn't grow resentful?' You might ask. As he grew, Masaru seemed to be unaffected by all of it. The fact he was practically starved, bullied, and treated badly.

Masaru never gave any indication of upset. People hated him. Sure it sucked, but it was life... at least he had a place to stay, right? At least, that's what he had thought. He got kicked out. It was life. He walked down a path into the deep forests. He could have gone along the normal trail, but someone would probably have just thrown him into the woods anyways...

The moon rose over the trees, and Masaru felt the presence of something predatory around him. He looked around, confused, before calling out to whoever or whatever it was. "Wh-Who's there.....?"

He didn't particularly expect a response, but a man... if it could be called that, walked out calmly towards him. The man had eyes Masaru recognized.... They looked like his own. Blood red. He was terrified, and yet.. this man looked familiar....

"Human. You look.... Like me. How?" The man's voice was booming, and Masaru felt forced to respond. "I don't know.. I was born like this."

The man studied him in detail. Masaru didn't move an inch, how could he? This man was fear himself. Was this why people hated him? Because he looked like this? As he wondered to himself, the man spoke again. "You.. I can use you.... Do you want to become perfect...?"

The question caught Masaru off guard. Of course he did. If he did then... then maybe, possibly, someone would like him. If he was perfect, then he could be loved. Someone could care about him. The man offered his hand. Masaru took it without hesitation. The man grinned, and suddenly, Masaru felt a stabbing pain through him. The pain was unbearable.

He laid on the ground for hours, writhing in pain. His body was changing and molding, he could tell.. but if he would become perfect... how could he refuse? He had to endure. He needed to become perfect.

Finally, he got up. The man was gone.. and Masaru felt hungry.. really hungry... he smelled something in the distance... blood? What was he...? Was he perfect now?

Masaru limped towards the nearest cave and sat down. He saw a bag there.. and a man lay sleeping next to it. Masaru was hungry.... But not for the food in the bag.. for the man. But could he really hurt the man...? He was so hungry.... But wouldn't it be wrong? ...but then... he was perfect now... shouldn't he just give into his instincts....? His vision filled with red, and next thing he knew, he was crouching in front of the dead body. Oh..

Masaru felt sick... but also... satisfied... Was this... perfection...? He didn't know. He wanted to meet that man again. Ask him questions... was the only way to do that to get stronger... to feed? Masaru looked at the dead body... if it was the only way, he would do it... but...

He buried the body in the forest just before the sun came up. He needed to meet that man again. The one with red eyes like his own. He would. And nothing, nothing at all, would stop him.

It had been several months, and Masaru had gotten used to his new life. He understood what he was now, after feeding off of a human with a sword. A demon. He found if he stayed in the forest for too long without eating, he'd lose consciousness and wake up in front of a body. He'd set himself some limits though, on who he would feed on. Never children. Never. Children needed to be protected. Nobody should hurt children. Not even if he was starving would he eat one.

It was strange. His memories were hazy now, he remembered being kicked out of his village, the man with red eyes, and then the feeding. He had gotten stronger, more powerful. Soon, perhaps, he could meet the red-eyed man once again.

Masaru had lost his humanity, but gained this.. perfection. He didn't remember why he had wanted it in the first place... oh well. Masaru knew what he had to do now. Find the Red-eyed man. Protect the young. Those were his goals..at least for now.

A/N: This is substituting for the normal chapter this month because I totally forgot that I needed to post it and I already drafted this little AU bit. Kudos to mikeymalouchi for suggesting this, I will likely make a part two later in the story. Sorry it's short, next month will have new chapter, hopefully extra long! Thanks for reading <333

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