chapter 1

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Anadil's mom was famous- someone quite influential in Bloodbrook. No, she was not a royal, but she was extremely wealthy and was close friends with all the royals and the other high class of Bloodbrook. But- she was a horrible mother.

- - -

A wolf knocked vehemently on the door of room Malice 66. Hester looked up from her 'Uglification' textbook, and Dot and Sophie were too immersed in discussing a way for her to attract Tedros to notice. Anadil opened it.

"Mail. From your mother." he said, pointing a dirty fingernail at Anadil. "Agrona,"She took the letter and smiled a little fake smile before closing the door. Anadil tried to keep her face level as she sat on her bed and put the letter in a drawer in her nightstand. Only Hester noticed the hints of fear and worry in her face. She didn't mention it.

Anadil couldn't sleep all night wondering what was in the letter. So, at around 3 in the morning, she lit a candle and opened the letter. It read:

My dearest Anadil,

It's been too long. I suppose you could've at least said goodbye before leaving for school. But forget all that. Come visit on Thursday. I will send a helicopter- and call the school, don't worry about having absences.

Love, Mother

It was hard to keep her mind off of the last time she had seen her mother- it was something she could never forget. She had no choice, however, and would have to leave on Thursday. She fell asleep uneasily, and was more distressed than ever.

- - -

Anadil woke up earlier than everyone else in Malice 66 (including Sophie- which was extremely early since Sophie gets up at dawn for her skincare routine). She walked up the stairs and looked out one of the balconies. She jumped when she heard footsteps. She turned around- to her surprise, it was Hester.

"What are you doing up?" Anadil whispered, seemingly too early for her to speak at a regular volume.

"What are you doing up?" Hester said in return, walking towards Anadil and standing beside her on the balcony. "Thinking." They both looked out at the moat and where it connected with the crystal blue water, the sky not yet fully blue but not fully dark.

"What did your mom say?" Hester said, glancing at her from the side, after what felt like an eternity. Anadil's breath catched, without it meaning to. She looked up at the slightly taller girl.

"She wants me to visit on Thursday. Who knows for how long." Hester didn't really know what to say.

"Oh." But the truth is, Hester's always been in a little awe of Anadil's mother. She wondered what her life was like with a mom. Neither Dot or Hester grew up with one. And Agrona was rich- and powerful. She assumed it must've been nice growing up in her castle of a house, but the way Anadil was reacting made it seem like she hated it there. (Not that Hester noticed anything about what Anadil was feeling. She doesn't care about anyone.)

They headed back down after a bit, but everything still felt so unresolved- to both Anadil and Hester.

- - -

Thursday came too soon for Anadil's liking. She already had her stuff packed (which wasn't much anyway.)

"Who even is your mom? I've never heard of her." Sophie asked, in her annoying little voice.

"She is probably more influential than the Queen of Bloodbrook. And she's crazy rich." Dot chirped. ("Woah," Sophie whispered. ) Hester promptly kicked Dot in the shin. Agrona being mentioned seemed to make Anadil uncomfortable, and Hester didn't need Dot and Sophie to keep reminding her. Hester didn't know why she was so worried about Anadil- she had only met her a few months ago, but she was closer to Anadil than almost anyone else. She had even offered to look after her rats for the time Anadil was gone.

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