for better or for worse (chapter 6)

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action packed chapter😉😉😉

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(hester's pov)

I lean against the bar table, talking a long sip of my fourth drink of the night. I watch Anadil out on the dance floor (who is drunk from at least 5 shots of tequila) being twirled around by some random girl. I clench my glass in my hand.

"Hi Hester!" Sophie walks up to me. I groan. I'm too drunk to face Sophie right now.. "I have someone I'd like to introduce to you!" A girl with black short hair and a red party dress walks next to Sophie. "This is Wynnie. Have fun talking, bye!" Sophie skips away.

"Sophie, I swear to god-"

"Hey Hester," Wynnie says. This is the worst setup I've ever faced.

"Hi." I stare straight ahead, keeping my tone stony.

"So.. how do you know Sophie?"

"From a friend."

"We went to middle school together." I nod in response. Just then, Anadil walks over to the bar table to get another drink. Thank god.

"Hi Hester! What are you doing here?" She says, her words slurring together and clinging to my right arm, picking at the sleeve of my shirt with great focus. I put my arm around the side of her waist.

"Wynnie, this is my girlfriend Anadil."

"Hi Wynnie!!" Anadail says cheerily. Now I know Anadil is a happy type-of-drunk.

"Oh. Sophie said you were single."

"Oh, you know Sophie, she has the memory of a mayfly." Wynnie gives Anadil a look and then walks away. Anadil looks at me. I can feel my head pounding from the alcohol.

"Who's that again?"

"No one," Anadil leans against my chest, drink in hand, and closes her eyes momentarily. I wrap my arms around her to keep her from falling over. I don't think we've ever been this close.

"Maybe you should go back to the room-" She shakes her head, mumbling something. We stay like that for a minute, and then I try to take the drink from her hand. She lifts her head up, pulling her hand back.

"Mine," And then she skips back to the dance floor as quickly as she came, and I watch Arachne take her hands as they move together. Mona walks up next to me.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, how jealous would Hester be if Anadil was dancing with like, 10 other girls right now?" She says, pretending to talk to herself. "I think it would be a solid 11."

"Go away Mona."

"Go over there!" I groan, filling up my glass again and chugging it down.


"Why not."

"I don't dance." She groans. "And I am not jealous of anyone."

"How can you be drunk and still not want to dance! Everybody dances when they're drunk!"

"Well, I don't."

"Okay fine. Then we're playing spin the bottle."

"No we're not." She picks up her phone and types something in a group chat.

"Okay, it's done. Let's go!" She drags my shirt across the party hall and into a room where several people are already there.

"I despise you with every single fiber of my being."

"Ok Hester." I sit down on the ground and Mona sits down next to me. I realize I was too drunk to notice that Anadil is sitting right across from me, typing something on her phone. Just then, Sophie walks into the room with an empty beer bottle and sits down. I groan, taking another sip of my drink.

"Okay, so whichever pair gets chosen goes into the broom closet next to this room for 7 minutes!" She puts the bottle down on the ground and spins it. It lands on the soccer player Liam. He grins and rubs his hands together, crawling up to spin the bottle. What a weirdo.

The bottle spins for a long moment and finally lands on... Anadil. My ears start ringing and I hear commotion in the background- most of it made by Liam- and then he stands up, taking out a hand for her to take. I'm extremely wasted, but not wasted enough to let Liam's creepy-ass be alone with Anadil for 7 minutes. I stand up, walking over to Anadil. I push Liam away, grab Anadil's hands, and pull her out of the room.

"What the fuck bro," I hear Liam saying faintly in the background, my head pounding to much to acknowledge anything he's saying clearly. "Cockblock," he yells. I pull Anadil into my chest as I walk through the mass amounts of people in the party. She mumbles something that I can't hear over the loud music and people talking. I stop in front of our door and fish for the keycard in my shorts pockets- I find it and press it against the card-reader and push the door open.

I guide her to the bed, laying her down. I turn the lights on and open the mini-fridge, taking out a water-bottle. When I walk back to the bed, she's almost asleep. I shake her.

"Ani. Wake up." She mumbles, trying to shoo me away. I take her hands and pull her up. I hand her the water bottle.

"Drink up." She takes it and chugs down half the bottle.

"Feel better?" She rests her head on her hands, sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Not really,"

"Well you shouldn't have drank so much princ-" and just then she wraps her hands around my neck and kisses me.

I'm so drunk I don't realize what I'm doing.

I wrap my one hand around her waist, the other on her neck, and kiss her back. Her lips are soft and glossy, and I can't seem to remember the reason why I haven't kissed her before. Anadil's back falls onto the bed, and she pulls me along with her. I can feel her quickening heartbeat against my chest. At the moment I forget about any consequences that may occur from what we're doing and move further down her neck, pressing my leg between both of hers. I move my lips along the soft skin of her pale neck and she gasps softly. I bring my lips back up and she sighs into the kiss, electricity shooting in the air.

And then a window of clarity makes its way into my brain after a long moment.

"Ani... you're drunk. I'm drunk. We're both so wasted," I whisper, propping myself up. I look back down at Anadil beneath me but her brain has already returned to the sloppy world of her brain when intoxicated. I'm a little relieved at that.

I stand up and put a hand underneath the back of her neck and under her knees, and pick her up. I place her down on the bed vertically and pull the covers over her. I purse my lips, standing next to her for a moment as she falls asleep.

What did we just do.

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i finally. finished my summer reading

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