chapter 5

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5. (hester's pov)

I hear a helicopter whirring. I rush outside- several students in the Evil building (including Dot and Sophie ) start to go outside to watch. Lady Lesso makes her way through the crowd, shouting at students to go back inside.

I start to go back to our dorm before Lady Lesso hisses, "Hester. Dot. Stay with me,"

"What about me?" Sophie whines.

"Go back inside." Lady Lesso snaps.

I follow Lady Lesso towards the helicopter. The same man who came to pick up Anadil emerges from the helicopter. He gestures for Lady Lesso to enter the helicopter. I trail behind them, not really knowing what to do. Where is Anadil?

Lady Lesso comes back outside of the helicopter, muttering under her breath. Her finger glows purple. She casts a spell on the man, herself, me, and someone inside the helicopter. I look at them all in confusion.

"I can't see you guys." Dot says flatly. I roll my eyes. She's eaten so much chocolate she's going crazy.

"I cast an invisibility spell. You can go inside." Dot exhales and happily goes inside.

And then, the man goes into the helicopter. When he returns, he is carrying Anadil in his arms, unconscious. Unconscious? Fainted? Dead? I shudder at the last thought. I am taken aback. What is going on? What happened to her? I keep my face level, trying to make it look like I don't care. I realize that none of the wolves by the door can even see us.

"Follow me," Lady Lesso says, to either me or the man. I assume we're going to our dorm, but Lady Lesso guides us past them. I glance at Anadil's unconscious body. Her face is sunken and paler (if possible). I can swear I see a faint bruise near her lip, but maybe I'm imagining that. We stop at Lady Lesso's personal quarters. She unlocks the door.

I've never seen it before- mostly everything is purple and it's incredibly cold. She gestures to the man to set Anadil down on Lady Lesso's canopy, purple-velvet bed. My throat closes up when I see Anadil lying on her back- she looks like a corpse.

"Thank you, Bal," she finally says.

"It's really no problem. Please nurse her back to health. And tell her everything is taken care of at home," the man says.

"I will, don't worry," The man gives Anadil one last concerned look (I narrow my eyes at him) before he turns around and leaves the room, closing the door.

"Lady Lesso! What's.. What's wrong with her?" Lady Lesso sets a bottle of some kind of medicine on her side table that Bal must've given her. She opens up the blankets to Anadil's chin.

"Hester. Look at me."

I raise my eyes to Lady Lesso's lethal eyes- now soft and scared. Not for herself, though.

"Her mother did.. something..." Lady Lesso straightens herself. "She's ill. She needs help."

"What can I do?" I wouldn't do this for anyone else. Quite frankly, I don't know why I'm even helping Anadil. I don't spend too much thinking about that.

"Stay with her while I get a wet cloth to cool her down." I oblige, and sit on the bed next to Anadil while Lady Lesso went out.

I examine her features- her closed eyes, a vein that runs across the side of her face, her skin that somehow looks paler, her pale, pink lips... Before I can even question why I was staring at Anadil, my eyes snag on the area next to her lips again.

The area is somewhat pink- like a bruise not fully healed. I gently hold her face and tilt her head towards me and run my thumb over the area. Definitely a bruise.

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