Chapter 2

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Upon reaching Newt's room he gently say you down on the bed. After passing you a hoodie and a pair of shorts that were a bit big to say the least he turned around. "I'll be outside while you change" he said before closing the door. Newt's clothes felt soft and baggy and you loved it. You felt free, and clean. You open the door to see Newt sitting on the porch. "Can we see Minho please" you whisper, looking down and playing with the end of the hoodie. Newt lifts your chin and nods. "Only after you've told Alby what happened though". Alby met us in the Runners hut. "How are you feeling Y/N?" "I'm better now" you reply even though it's a lie. "Good, whenever you're ready to tell me, go ahead". "We were running section 6 today and when we went to go back one of the walls had moved, we were boxed in, then one of them started to turn 90 degrees but it was so wide. We had to press out stomach against the wall so we didn't get squished. But it caught Minho's jacket and dragged him. I couldn't get it off but I did. Then the floor gave way and Minho dropped into a crate thing. I don't know what it was but i jumped down and the crate had gone. I followed the tunnel thing and found the crate with him in so I grabbed him and hauled him back out the hole. Then we tried to get back to the Glade not before having to create a new route, the old one had totally gone" Alby stands there, it expecting that. "No grieves?" "No grievers" you say back. "Are you okay? Any injuries from the fall" "I don't think so" you do a quick inspection only to find a bruise creeping from your right armpit down to your right knee. "Huh that's new" you say whilst showing Newt and Alby. "Take her to her room. She needs rest" Newt nods. "But I'm not tired" you whine. "Well I am so ssh!" Newt says. "Huh" you lie back down. You begin to drift off with your head on Newts chest when you realise something. Everyone was asleep so Minho must be. You walk out your door over to the medjacks. You open the main door a fraction and see Minho their peacefully. But as you leave you see Alby. "While you're still up put the bonfire out". You groan, grab a bucket and head to the lake in the deadheads. After filling the bucket, you see a familiar figure in the trees. "Y/N" "whose there" you shout. They stumble into the light and i see Minho, he's in a white hospital gown with plasters covering him. "Whoever you brought back, whoever you saved from the hole, that's not me!"

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