New Neighbor

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This fanfic takes place shortly before Yu-Gi-Oh! Volume 6 Chapter 50: Millennium Enemy. (Bakura's first appearance in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Manga.)

Not sure when this fanfic should take place in the Digimon timeline though...

Monday Morning,

It's a calm and peaceful morning. A blonde kid with a white bucket hat and a yellow long sleeve shirt with blue in the center of the shirt. This 11 year old boy named Takeru Takaishi, better known as "TK", exited his apartment and walked toward the elevator and pressed the button to call for the elevator.

When the elevator opened he was met with his two neighbors and friends, A tall lavender haired girl who wore large round glasses, a blue bandanna, a pink overshirt over a red dress and blue shorts. She is 12 year old Yolei Inoue and the shorter boy next to her was 9 year old Iori "Cody" Hida. Cody wore a purple turtleneck sweater and gray pants.

TK greeted them as he stepped inside the elevator. They all went to the same school, Odaiba Elementary School. They are one of the many Digidestineds in the world, people who have a digimon partner and a digivice. Digimon are fantastical creatures from the Digital World, an alternate world made of data that seem life-like. The elevator's door closed and they went down.

The elevator stopped on a lower floor and a boy they had never seen before entered the elevator. The boy seems to be around 15 or 16 years old and is wearing a Blue Odaiba high school uniform, he has white hair and brown eyes. The teen was also carrying a brown messenger bag.

The elevator door closed once again and started descending. "I have never seen you before, did you just move in?" Yolei decided to start a conversation with this new kid. "My name is Ryou Bakura, I just moved in." Bakura nodded and answered in a soft spoken voice. "Where did you live originally?" Yolei asked the older boy. "I lived in Domino City, my dad thought it would be best if I lived with my aunt here for a while." Bakura responded with a friendly smile. TK can already feel like Bakura is a kind hearted person, which reminds his other friends.

"What's your name?" Bakura asked the younger kids."Oh, my name is Takeuru Takaishi, you can call me TK for short." TK introduced himself. "My name is Yolei Inoue and the boy next to me is Iori Hida, though people call him Cody." Yolei introduced herself and Cody.

"Nice to meet you guys. This place is different from Domino City." Bakura said with a friendly smile. The elevator made its destination to the ground level and the children exited the elevator. "Well I guess this is where we part ways." Bakura said. "See you around." Bakura then left to head towards his school. The 3 Digidestined headed toward Odaiba elementary school.

"How does he even have white hair?" TK commented about the strange hair color that belonged to Bakura. "Maybe he bleached his hair?" Yolei answered. "I wonder if we will see him often?" "Doubt it, He is a high school student and he is older than the older Digidestined." TK responded, he then stopped and waved to a girl with brown hair across the street. The girl wore a sleeveless white and pink turtleneck shirt, pink fingerless opera gloves with an oval cut from the top of the palms, and yellow shorts. This was 11 year old Hikari "Kari" Kamya, Kari waved back and crossed the street and walked toward the 3 fellow Digidestined.


Bakura was walking alone towards his high school. 'Hopefully this is the last time I will have to transfer to another school.' Bakura thought, he had a strange history of having foggy memories and his friends suddenly going to comas. 'Hopefully I can start fresh and make new friends. Hopefully my misfortune stayed in Domino City.' Bakura wondered why such bad things keep happening around him. It's been happening since he was young but he doesn't know why or how. Bakura sighs and walks inside the school building.

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