Mysterious Phenomenon: Part 1

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Saturday Morning,

TK was eating his breakfast while the TV was on. "A mysterious phenomenon has occurred in Odaiba High School as several students mysteriously have gone into comas Since Monday. The cause of all these commas remains unknown at the moment. Back to you, Yuki." The newscaster announced. This immediately caught the attention of TK. 'Could this be a work of a digimon? I must tell the others about this.' TK thought as he hastily ate his breakfast.

After he finished his breakfast he headed straight to his room and took out his D-Terminal and was about to start writing a message to the other Digidestineds. 'What could be the cause of this phenomenon? What is the motive behind this?' Many questions started flooding TK's mind, he needs answers now. But he snapped out of his thoughts when he saw a message in his D-Terminal.

[From: Yolei Inoue]

[Want to have a picnic at around 3:00 PM? Just to relax somewhere nice]

'Guess I have to wait until later. Perhaps they already heard the news.' TK thought.

Saturday Afternoon, The Park

In a mostly vacant part of the park, the Digidestined met up for their picnic. The weather was mostly sunny and warm with the occasional cool breeze blowing. The grass was soft and seemed to be a perfect place to relax but this area was also a bit secluded so the Digidestined can have some privacy and so they don't have to worry about anyone else spotting the Digimon and causing a scene.

"Sorry I'm late guys." A spiky reddish brown haired boy announced as he ran towards the group. The 11 year old boy named Daisuke "Davis" Motomiya wore a blue short-sleeved open vest over a dark blue shirt with long sleeves, a thick white stripe ran across the chest and thin yellow stripes over and under it. He also wears dark brown shorts and a pair of goggles that lie on his hair. Next to him was a small blue and white creature, he is Davis's Digimon partner named Demiveemon.

"Now that we are all here, can we start?" The dark purple-black haired boy asked. He was wearing a gray Tamachi Elementary School's uniform. The boy is 11 year old Ken Ichijouji. In Ken's arms is a green moth larvae-like creature known as Wormmon.

'I wonder if this mysterious phenomenon only occurs in Odaiba High school. What if it's just a coincidence or just an illness. But maybe it's something else.' TK frowned at these thoughts. TK's partner Digimon, Patamon, sat on top of TK's head. Patamon resembles an orange and white furred hamster with wings where his ears should be.

"What's wrong TK?" Cody asked the blonde boy, next to Cody was his Digimon partner, Upamon. Upamon was a cream colored creature with no limbs and large ears. "Have you guys heard the news this morning? A lot of people in Odaiba High School went to comas all of sudden. I just don't think it's just a coincidence or an illness. I believe it's something else entirely that's causing it." TK explained his concerns.

"Yeah. I feel bad for the victims and their families. But if there is someone causing this then we must stop them before they hurt anyone else." Kari looked over to her partner Digimon. Kair's partner Digimon is Gatomon. Gatomon is a white furred bipedal cat with yellow gloves and a long white and blue striped tail. Gatomon nodded in agreement.

"Hey, can we eat first? I am getting hungry." Poromon asked. Poromon is Yolei's Digimon partner, Poromon is pretty much just a round pink ball with feathers and a beak. At the back of Poromon's head is a red feather with yellow at the tip. "Oh yeah I brought food. It's better to discuss it after we eat." Yolei chuckles slightly to at least lighten the mood with everyone nodding.

"I can't wait to eat the cream puffs!" Demiveemon shouted while hopping in pure excitement. "Cream puffs? I didn't bring any cream puffs." Yolei blinked with confusion. "Then why can I smell cream puffs?" Demiveemon tilts his head slightly in confusion.

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