Part 1: This is my story

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*turret rotating left, optics zoom in, a lonesome IS 2 tank holding still with its turret pointed away from the tiger 2*

"Have you ever been through chaos? Do you know what it's like to be brought down to hell and walk the fiery path of despair? Do you understand the concept of peace and war? When I was young boy, I came home and my father looked at me with a stern voice...he said "Why?" I stood there frozen, nervous and confused. I looked at him and said "What do you mean why?" He looked at me and placed two ripe tomatoes and a head of cabbage in front of me. I looked at him, a nervous feeling running down my spine. "Father I didn't steal anything I swear I di-"
His fist slammed into the table. "I know you didn't steal anything Fritz! But why were you there?"
I look back to that day as a commander...and I begin to wonder. Where will I be lead to?"

"My name is Fritz Heinrich...and my story."

*88mm KwK43 gun fires with the IS 2's commander hatch being blown off with fire pouring out as the loader of the tank crawls out in flames*

"Felix! We!"

Felix: "Yes Commander!"

*The engine roars to life, as the tank pushes through the destroyed town of Seelow, Germany.*


This part is very short I know. But all it's for is just to introduce you to the main character, Fritz Heinrich. There may be some references to Ubisofts Battle field V "The last tiger" and the movie "Fury" so keep on the look out.

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