Sublime Nostalgia

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Oh my God. I've played Paranormasight and watched people play it multiple times, but I just legitimately got Yoko jumpscared again. Context: the game shows you how to look around, and when you turn back to where you were, your friend is right up in your face. It's literally the first jump scare and it's not even all that frightening, especially if you're prepared.

I swear I've mentioned this before but I can't find it so whatever, I'll say it again. Scenes where characters go to the beach and experience the ocean for the first time are seriously magical. My heart cracks open like a hecking geode every single time. I learned about a concept called the sublime in my modern lit class: the feeling of being so in awe of the grandeur of something. The feeling of being so small, but not in a terrifying way. That's how these scenes feel. Watching someone experience the sublime almost makes me feel the same way.

I love the trend of people who comment on videos about babies starting off in a somewhat threatening tone: "Do NOT do this to babies!" only to give a very obviously jokey and cute reason why not to. It kind of feels like pushback against the parental judgement that tends to get thrown online.

Dude I found a YouTube channel that was new to me but obviously existed for a while, and within like a week of knowing about these people's existence, their cat died and they got engaged. Like woah, everything is happening to you right now.

Lol I swear, I'm going to have wound up talking about every color. Today I want to talk about characters with yellow as a prominent color. Honestly? I feel like I don't see important characters with heavy yellow associations in many dating sims or anime (at least not the ones I've watched), but the ones I know are all sweethearts with a lot of energy. Sometimes that manifests as anxiety. Sometimes it manifests as creativity. I like them either way. Yellow also seems to encompass the misfits. Hufflepuff, The Golden Deer, etc. Subconsciously, that may be why Hachi's color is soft yellow. Munchy's color is mostly golden/yellow, aside from obviously needing to have brown hair and eyes like me. But all of the orange and most of the white in Munchy's design was added by myself throughout the years. Yellow was actually bestowed upon Munchy by the same friend of mine who invented her in the first place (the four of us who played this game were color-coded). For this reason, I've associated myself with yellow a lot over the years, even though my favorite color is green.

The fact that Diodeshipping still gets fics makes me so happy. Maybe the Kalos 10 year anniversary is getting people riled up again.

Brooooo, someone I went to elementary school with just got engaged, holy crap. Time is unreal.

I'm really missing a certain friend. We were on the same soccer team when I was a preteen and she even came to my 14th birthday party even though she didn't go to my school. I swear, everyone acts like it's so easy to find people on social media, but whenever I search up names on Instagram, I can never find who I'm looking for.

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