Chapter 9: Peace Medical College 7

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The lesson felt so much longer than yesterday that the two of them forgot about what they should be nervous about for a while.

After the class bell rang, the teacher left immediately, but none of the students in the class left, they all stared nervously at their mobile phones, and they thought that it was time for the teacher to choose someone again.

After the morning class every day, the counselor will notify the group which two students will prepare for the afternoon anatomy class today, and the news is very timely today.

Counselor: [Today, Meng Tianyou and Zhong Xin worked hard to prepare for teaching.]

As soon as she saw the names in the group, Meng Qing almost fell to the ground.

Then she stood firm on the back of the chair, hurriedly walked to Meng Tianyou's side, held his hand tightly, and cried anxiously and fearfully, "Son, don't worry, mom will go for you, mom will go for you..."

Meng Tianyou frowned tightly and didn't say anything.

Meng Qing seemed to be comforting herself and Meng Tianyou, "It's okay, it's okay, isn't it okay if Song Mingliang went yesterday?"

"Are you going to tell her?" While having lunch, Lin Xiang asked Hua Haoming.

Meng Qing thought that Song Mingliang was fine, but she didn't know that the two people who went to prepare for teaching yesterday were abnormal, and at this time, Song Mingliang's eyes hidden behind the heavy bangs were still peeking around.

I don't know if it's because of the dim and crazy light surging inside, those eyes seem to be different from before, like a ghost peeking at its prey behind the eyes.

It's only been a day.

Hua Haoming shook his head, "She's going to go in soon, and telling her now will only make her more flustered and prone to accidents."

Like yesterday, they didn't go back to the dormitory at noon, and they all followed Meng Qing to the dissection laboratory building.

On the way, Hua Haoming told Meng Qing: "You must wear gloves and masks, don't take them off during the whole process, don't look at your eyes, and come out when you're ready."
When the three of them discussed
in the morning, Lin Xiang raised two possibilities: the source of pollution and the ghost's body. Hua Haoming felt that the source of pollution was unlikely, and it was difficult to prevent ghosts, but combined with what Dai Liangyuan said, it was possible that he had really seen ghosts, or some kind of spiritual pollution.

Lin Xiang said that the source of pollution can only rely on masks and gloves, and there is no other way to do spiritual pollution at present, but not to look at it.

Meng Qing nodded, she knew that Hua Haoming had come out of the game, and she believed his words very much.

After holding her son's hand and hesitating for a while, she went in with Zhong Xin.

Meng Tianyou stood in place and watched her thin figure get farther and farther away, his hands in his pockets clenched into fists.

Xia Bai also kept watching. Lin Xiang saw envy in his eyes, and began to feel distressed again.

He knew that Xia Bai had no parents, only one grandfather to rely on for his life, and later, in the winter of his third year of high school, his grandfather also passed away, and he had no relatives. He must be very envious of such a good mother who stood up for her son and risked her life.

Lin Xiang said: "Xia Bai, I will accompany you, and you will treat me as your own brother."

Xia Bai looked dazed.

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