Chapter 13: Peace Medical College 11

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The young man in dormitory 405 was talking about Meng Qing's secret.

After listening, Song Mingliang left with heavy steps. He went downstairs and headed for 304.

There was a man there, his father, Song Qiang.

The thought of him made his blood surge with excitement.

It's strange, he wasn't like this before, he didn't want to get close to Song Qiang before, and he was even afraid to see him, so he tried every means to avoid him.

He doesn't know exactly when it started.

I remember that when he was very young, Song Qiang, who was not doing well among relatives and friends, was very strict with him and beat and scolded him at every turn.
He wants him to dedicate every minute to studying, he wants him not to hang out and make friends.

When he was in elementary school, he once brought three of his classmates to his house to play. Song Qiang, who was tired and went home from work, saw that they were playing at home, angrily drove his classmates away, and beat him severely.
He will always remember the fear, shock and sympathy of his classmates at that time, and the burning pain when the leather whip hit him.

Since then, no classmates will come to his house to play, and even at school, there are no classmates to play with him, and more and more classmates talk about him behind his back.

Of course, he will never invite his classmates to play at home again, again, forever.

He locked himself in that small room, devoted all his time to studying, and in the beating and scolding again and again, he became more and more silent and withdrawn, more and more afraid of Song Qiang, and resisted facing him from the bottom of his heart.

When Song Qiang gets off work, if he wants to go to the toilet, he will open a crack in the door first and stick it on the crack of the door to see if Song Qiang has come back.

found that Song Qiang did not come back, so he would be busy going to the bathroom. After going to the toilet, he will still see if Song Qiang has come back in the crack of the bathroom door, if unfortunately Song Qiang comes back, he will sit in the toilet all the time, waiting for him to leave the living room, and then he will go out.

Sometimes Song Qiang found that he had been staying in the toilet, and would kick the door and scold him, and it was common to beat him.
He thought he was lazy by hiding in the bathroom, like his co-workers. Actually, he just didn't want to face him.

He's got to this point.

often watched Song Qiang in the crack of the door of his small room, seeing what he was doing, but he just resisted facing him, not knowing what he was doing and not feeling at ease.

That small room was like a prison, making him more and more lonely and dark, but it was also a safe haven for him to hide from monsters, that narrow gap was the safest passage between him and the outside world, he was afraid and longed.

Later, Song Qiang relied on that mouth and slapped the horse, and finally became a small leader, raised a small salary, their family life changed a little, and he finally had a little face in front of his relatives.

It was then that he began to have other opinions about him. He felt that he couldn't speak, that he wasn't lively and outgoing enough, and that he wouldn't be productive in the future. Every time at a relative's dinner table, when his colleague came to eat at home, he would be forced to toast and say nice things, and say in public that he was useless.

Because of his experience, in his shallow experience, only people who have friends and connections, who can talk and come to things, and who can please the leaders, will have a future. Otherwise, even if he studies well, it will be in vain to be admitted to a good university.

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