Chapter 20: Peace Medical College 18

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Hua Haoming stared at the white plastic bag for a few seconds, as if he understood something, and silently put it away.
Neither of them spoke again, and silence fermented between them.

Until he met Xia Bai.
Xia Bai looked at Lin Xiang's bald head and felt that it was not bad, Lin Xiang was only a teenager after all, and he did not have the stubbornness of a middle-aged bald man, even if his hair was almost gone, he still had to leave a strand of cover.

He looked at Hua Haoming who didn't seem to see him again, and said in a tone of saying what breakfast he wanted to eat: "You are pica."


Seeing that he didn't react, Xia Bai said again: "Lin Xiang gave you all the hair to eat, and he paid too much for you."
Lin Xiang was a little moved, his grief was in Xia Bai's eyes.

Hua Haoming asked: "Why does the back of my neck hurt so much?" It's going to crack.
Xia Bai and Lin Xiang were silent for a moment.

"I didn't think I was pica." Hua Haoming paused for a few seconds and said to them: "I thought about it again just now, I did have it before, but it's not a fetish."

"When I was a child, there was a time when I couldn't afford to eat, and when I was pressed to the ground by a group of thugs, I accidentally tasted the taste of dirt, and I started eating dirt during that time."

In the game, several of them, their habits are related to life experience and psychological factors, and they are close to the depths of their hearts.
The two didn't expect him to say it, but they still told such a piece of history.
He was no longer so casual and closed-minded, and the range he drew for them seemed to have changed.

"Brother, you're so awesome!" Lin Xiang sighed, "When I was a child, I couldn't afford to eat, but now I'm a person who can't even invite 100 million, isn't this a certain counterattack to the big male protagonist?"

"..." His
way of thinking is quite unique.

However, the two really didn't expect that Hua Haoming had such an experience. It's not just 100 million that Lin Xiang casually said, Wen Dong sincerely offered to give money at that time, and he didn't care about it, as if his family was very rich and there was no shortage since he was a child.
Of course, it may also be that there is no shortage after becoming a player.

Hua Haoming looked at Xia Bai, "What about you?" What was the thrilling experience last night?
Lin Xiang said excitedly: "Xia Bai has no habit of alienation, and he also got the key clues from the female school worker!"

Hua Haoming: "? No
It's not scientific!

He looked at Xia Bai in disbelief.
Xia Bai rolled his eyes weakly and looked away, "How are you feeling?"

"Yes, brother, is it affected?" Lin Xiang asked.
So far, they don't know whether people who are addicted to alienation have an impression of last night the next day, and whether their thinking during the day has been affected.

"I can't remember last night's events vaguely and clearly, but as soon as you remind me, there is a little sense of picture, and now, there seems to be a thick layer of brain fog in my head, and the impact should not be very great." After speaking, he asked, "What did you hear from the female school workers?"

Lin Xiang immediately told Hua Haoming about the news he heard from the female school worker last night. He asked, "Brother, if we find the truth, will the game move?"

Hua Haoming came back to his senses and analyzed carefully: "The system will prompt, there will be doors, roads and other light openings generated, and you can leave the game if you pass it."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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