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"Go, go now" my parents say listening I ran out the door but before I left I said " bye love you" with tears in my eyes I still don't get why they can't come with me all they said was there was stuff in my car and to go to lily's house and they love me they are doing this to protect me and that I will get it when i'm older I grabbed my keys jumped in my car and drove to my best friends house i get to her house and she runs out she knows something is wrong when I came to her house this late "what wrong" she asked with worry in her eyes but I did not answer I was too scared " are you okay" I nodded my head no " come in side you can tell me in there" I shock my head and followed her we got inside and sat on her bed "so tell me what's wrong what happened" I didn't say a word she looked at me with worry, fear, and sadness then she got up and went to a dresser and got a pen and notebook " if you won't tell me then write it" I took it and I wrote "we were sitting and watching a movie and these big wolfs came in and they started to attack us and my parents tried to attack them then all of a sudden I smelled smoke and the house was on fire and my parents said to leave to come here and that they are doing this to protect me and there is some clothes and that I will get it when I grow up so I left and saw it burn and heard them scream but I still went on I was scared I saw there faces in the window screaming I saw them die I saw them burn to death"I gave it to her I was already in tears she sat beside me and read it she was crying too she hugged me we were like this for about 10 minutes she let go of me " let's get som sleep you look tired" I nodded we fell asleep on her bed.

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