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We open to a fancy place in the last ring known as ozzies. We go inside and see an imp hybrid working at the bar. He moves efficiently and swiftly without error as he hands each customer drink. Meanwhile, there were people going off and on the stage more towards the actual restaurant portion of the establishment.

 Meanwhile, there were people going off and on the stage more towards the actual restaurant portion of the establishment

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I was currently cleaning up the bar and putting stuff away since Ozzie had closed about half an hour ago. Once I had finished, I walked around saying small goodbyes and giving waves to the other workers who were heading out.

I continued walking till I found my brother and his lover. "Ozzie, fiz!" I yelled out to them as I ran over. They both turned to look at me, offering small smiles. "Hey there tiny, how'd the bar go tonight?" Fizzaroli asked, earning a shrug from me."Same as ever night, hey, I wanted to ask you about something. " I  said, growing nervous now.

They both looked at each other before nodding. "Go ahead," fizzaroli said as I took a breathe "s-so I saw this ad on TV today," I started "and I was wondering if maybe I could ditch the bar and go work for them instead" I said quickly as I closed my eyes and looked down braving myself for possible yelling or any form of a shut down

"Mm, I don't know, kiddo," asmodues said, sounding uneasy. "You know why we keep you here, kid. Not only are you the brother of a brandhead" the sin started as he motioned to fizzaroli "but it also.kets us keep an eye on you and your..situation" He said as I sighed and nodded looking down "i-i know but come on I can't stay here forver" I pleaded looking between the two causing fizzaroli to sigh "who are you trying to go for anyway?" He asked, confused

"Some group named I.M.P," I said with shrug. "And what do they do?" My brother asked skeptically "um well ya see they um they..." I mumbled the last part under my breath only to earn an eyebrow raise from the two."They kill humans in the living world for sinners, " I said with a sheepish smile, causing their eyes to widen

"What!? No, no way consider this shut down, " fizzaroli said quickly."Why would you wanna do something like that anyways!?" He asked me as I shrugged."Think about it, fizz. I'd be helping people, wouldn't I? And we both know im good with guns and shit. " I tried to bargain "no no way, Otis, not happening, " He said, his tone leaving no room for any more conversation, causing me to grow annoyed as I glared

"You can't stop me. It's my life. I can do what I want with it!" I protested .I'm your big brother! I'm supposed to keep you safe!" Fizzaroli shot back, causing  me to hiss under my breath before storming off.

I walked into my room slamming the door before I kicked my bed causing me to hiss in pain as I held my foot "ow ow fuck!" I hissed before sighing as I sat on my bed "who does fizz think he is, telling me what I can't do" I mumbled to myself before smirking to myself 'what if he doesn't know' I thought to myself before grabbing my phone as I called the number I remember from he ad

"hello?" I heard a voice, pick up. It sounded like a girl, and she sounded really out of it "Hey I'm looking for a blitzø?" I said slightly certain. 'Where have I heard that name before? Whatever,' I thought as she sighed and switched me over.'This is blitzø the O is silent. Who can we be off for ya?" I heard a male voice say over the phone, causing me to smirk."Hey, my name is Otis, I saw your ad and was wondering if you were hiring?" I asked as he cheered too himself."How old are ya, kid?" He asked as I thought before answering,"Old enough, " I said simply,"I like your attitude, come in tomorrow, and we'll see what you can do" He said before hanging up causing me to smile

I was in my room when I heard a nock "it's open" I called out before hearing the door open and close before my bed sunk in causing me to sigh and look up from my phone as I spotted asmodeus "let me guess, you want me and fizz to talk?" I asked as he just looked at me."Oh no, I've learned that it never works, " He said, causing me to laugh a bit. "Then what is it?" I asked as asmodeus sighed

"look Otis, you know we want you to be safe" He said as I nodded "I know Ozzie but you can't expect me to stay cooped up here forever" I protested again as he nodded "which is why I'm helping you" He said with a smile causing me to look up confused "you won't be working the bar anymore, I'll give you one of my crystlas so you can get to work and back undetected, just be back before dinner" He instructed as he handed me a necklace with one of the crystals causing me to smile as I jumped up and hugged him

"Vest brother in law ever" I mumbled causing him to blush and laugh as he patted my back before I got down and layed on my bed as he walked out "nught otis" He said quietly "night ozzie" I mumbled before curling up in my bed and falling asleep. Tomorrow starts a new life.

the other clown (helluva boss x male oc insert)Where stories live. Discover now