otis meets his family

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3rd person pov:

We see a teenage blitzo and teenage fizzaroli in the cirrcus tent. "I'm just saying blitzo, wouldn't it be cool if we were the older brothers for once?" Fizzaroli asked as blitzo sat off to the side

"I don't know fizz do we really want some little kid running around here of all places?" Blitzo asked as fizzaroli turned to him with stars in his eyes

"Totally, he could be a clown like us, just think about it," fizzaroli reasoned, causing blitzo to sigh as he looked in thought

"Well, I don't see why your parents would tell you no..ok, ok, here's how we do this, I'll distract my dad while you convince your parents to get to an adoption place deal?" Blitzo reasoned as fizzaroli smiled brightly and hugged blitzo

"You're the best blitzo," He cheered before running off to find his parents while blitzo distracted everyone else.

Fizzaroli was in a room full of kids while his parents talked with the owner of the orphanage and the other workers. The kids all seemed so closed off and seemed to glare at him. Except for one, fizzaroli noticed one boy hadn't paid him much mind, causing him to smile softly as he walked over.

"Hey kid, what's your name?" Fizzaroli asked as he sat down across from the boy. The boy looked up at fizzaroli before smiling. "I'm otis, you're fizzaroli, right?" He asked, causing fizzaroli to look shocked

"I am. How'd you know that?" He asked with a small laugh, causing otis to smile brightly."Don't tell the workers, but sometimes I sneak out to see the shows at the circuses nearby, " He whispered, causing fizzaroli to laugh lightly

"A sneaky little rascal, aren't you?" Fizzaroli asked as otis smirked and nodded "say..how'd you like to be in a circus?" Fizzaroli asked as otis beamed."Really!?" He asked, excited as fizzaroli laughed and nodded

"Yeah you can join me and blitzo, we'd be the amazing clown trio" fizzaroli said with jazz hands as otis laughed and nodded happily "great, come on" fizzaroli beamed as he got up and ran to his parents followed closely by otis

"BLITZO!" Fizzaroli yelled out, causing said imp to peak out from behind a tent."Oh hey, fizz, so you find a kid?" He asked, smiling as fizzaroli nodded happily

"Blitzo, I want you to meet my new little brother, otis!" Fizzaroli announced as he stepped to the side and revealed otis who smiled and waved before his eyes lit up "holy shit, you look way cooler up close, your horns are huge" otis beamed as he ran up to blitzo who was shocked but smirked

"I like this kid fizz," He stated as he kneeled down so otis could examine his horns. "What kind of demon is he anyway?" Blitzo asked noticing otis odd appearance as fizz shrugged "no clue, workers wouldn't tell us" He said simply as he walked over and picked up otis "but isn't he adorable" fizz beamed as he nuzzled otis who laughed and tried to push away as blitzo smiled softly

"Eh, he's alright," he said with a smirk and roll of his eyes as he ruffled otis hair before fizzaroli set otis down.

Otis smiled up at the two, he finaly had a family, a place he could call home, and he couldn't be happier.

And now we know how otis and fizzaroli became brothers, I am a bit stuck because otis obviously isn't an imp, so what demon type should I make him? Also, yes, this does take the place of the episode 'the circus' because I couldn't think of a way to incorporate otis into it properly.

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