Chapter 6: Da's News and Bike Ride Home

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Racheal p.o.v:

Once I was done with the shower and got dressed in a black tank that said 'The Judgment Day's Little Pup' in purple on the back and The Judgment Day symbol on the front right corner with a pair of black shorts. I put in my regular teeth and then put my fangs, which I took out before my shower, up along with my contacts. I brushed my hair before I opened the door and saw that Kim was just about done with getting Ben's makeup off, and I saw that Brutus was still in his spot watching her.
I gave him a pat on the head as I smiled.

"The shower is available now," I told them.

"Alright, we good?" He asked Kim.

"Yeah, you're good," she nods.

"Cool, thanks a lot," he smiles as he stands up.

"No problem," Kim smiled back.

Ben grabs his clean clothes for the night and begins walking to the shower.

"Just ease up on the flirting this time, Casanova," he mutters to me as he walks by, earning a well-deserved slap on the arm.

I rolled my eyes as I started getting my stuff together as Brutus stayed near me.

"Do you need any help with packing?" I hear Kim ask.

"Nah, I got it," I replied.

I also checked my phone and saw that Mami and the others messaged me in our little group chat. I miss them a lot. I did a sad smile as I read through the messages. All of them were about how much they loved the match and couldn't wait to see the next match. I wanted to video call them, especially since I am wearing a shirt they made me.

"I hope you don't mind if I make a video call real quick?" I asked. "You can still be here. I wouldn't mind introducing you to them."

"Um...." She shyly but cutely started to say.

"Don't worry, they might threaten you, but they mean well," I said with a soft smile, "They are just protective of me is all."

"Sure," she said nervously.

I smiled as I called them, and they picked up right away.

"Hey guys," I said excitedly, "I miss you all."

"We miss you too, our Little Pup," Mami said with a smile.

"We saw your match, and it was amazing as always," Luis said in awe

"It was badass," smiled Fergal with his thick accent.

Dom didn't say anything he just nodded with a big smile.

"Thank you, guys," I smiled as my chest filled with pride.

"So how are you enjoying it over there so far, Little Pup?" Asked Luis.

"Great," I happily said, "met some new people, like this adorable make-up artist."

I pan the camera over to her and she shyly waves.

"Her name is Kim," I said. "She did Bubba's make-up."

They all wave and say hi to her as well before I start introducing each of them.

"Kim, this is the Judgment Day of WWE. Fergal Devitt, aka Finn Balor; Luis Martinez, aka Damian Priest; Dominik Gutierrez or Mysterio; and Demi Bennett, aka Rhea Ripley. You know Buddy Matthews, right?" I ask and Kim nods. "This is his girlfriend."

"Right," she nods with a smile. "It's great to meet you all."

"And you're our little pup," said Mami.

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