Chapter 10: Arrangement of Needs

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A/N: Hey guys, just a few warnings before u continue: 1. This is going to be a long chapter it's over 5900 words, not counting the authors note that I am writing rn, so this is the longest chapter I posted for this book

2.There going to be a bit of NSFW stuff, so fair warning it will be marked in Bold when it starts and ends

That is all I wanted to say, so please enjoy the chapter.

Racheal's P.O.V:

I woke up with sunlight beaming through the curtains. I closed my eyes again before letting them adjust to the light after they finally adjusted. I looked around the room before it all came back to me.

I then see that I am, in fact, in bed with Buddy. His arm is around my waist as he snores cutely. If he wasn't with Rhea and my heart didn't already belong to a certain Lionheart, I would totally date him myself. I did find myself getting horny, especially since we are both still naked from last night's activities, which thinking about didn't really help the situation.

I could tell he had morning wood, and since Demi was okay with me helping him, I thought I do just that.


I slowly made my way down his body before finally getting to what I was looking for. Remembering how it made me feel last night got me even wetter. My mouth started to water at the site, especially the piercing he had gotten on the tip, what's called the Magic Cross. So I slowly started to rub his cock after a minute. I couldn't help but do little licks, hearing him moan a bit. After a minute, I started putting the whole thing in my mouth, which caused him to moan even more and stir. I then felt his hand on the back of my head, making me go deeper and making me gag here and there as I kept going.

"Fuck sake," he moans in a gruff voice. "I see you're taking advantage of the deal."

I moan in acknowledgment.

"Keep going you bad girl," he said before his phone rang with Demi's ringtone. "You better not stop, keep going."

He grabbed his phone from the charger, answering.

"Hey there, sexy Mama," he greets her before moaning. "Yeah, I am OK, just a certain naughty wolf pup decided to wake me up this morning."

I barely heard anything as I kept going, moaning and deep-throating his cock.

"Fuck," he says. "She is good, and after last night, I see what you meant."

More silence, only able to hear me gagging and both our moans filling the room.

"Alright, I'll do just that," he says.

I look up to see him take the phone off his ear and then put it on speaker.

"Hey there, sneaky little pup," I heard Mami's sexy Australian voice, which caused me to moan.

"Hi, Mami," I said before going back to Buddy's cock.

"You're enjoying yourself?" She asks

"Yes Mami," I answered her, "very much so."

"Good," she says and I could hear a smile in her voice. "Take care of him like you did me."

"I will, Mami," I promised.

All the while, Buddy kept moaning from me sucking and massaging his cock with my hands and boobs.

"She's good, isn't she, babe?" She asks, directing it towards Buddy hearing his moans.

"Oh, fuck she is," he moans. "Especially, with that tongue piercing of hers."

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