Chapter 8: Visite de la maison

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A/N: Hey guys I really hope y'all enjoy this chapter of this story. Honestly, I enjoyed this chapter it was almost easy and I love the flow of it. It is almost a filler chapter just giving a tour and much more history of the family and such. I hope u guys enjoy it nonetheless. Please tell me what u guys think in the comments I would love to know what u guys r thinking about this. Also, the title is in French thought I do something different it means tour of the house or visit the house, what do u think? 

Racheal's P.o.v:

I slowly woke up groggily, dazed, and confused. I was on my side facing the wall with Stud still in my arms. I then heard breathing behind me. I almost thought it was Ben until I started to smell a certain scent that didn't match Ben's at all. I looked down at the tatted arm that was wrapped around me and knew who it was instantly.

I smiled.

I almost forgot he came over and stayed the night. I slowly turned, trying not to wake him up. Once I turned to face him, I started to admire his features. His plump lips that I always want to kiss. Plus, his little beard always tickles me when we hug or snuggle, but I love how he looks with it. It made him look more rugged, and I love messing with it. Jessica never liked it. She always complained about how it felt and how it made him look.

She never deserved this man. She was so vile. I don't know what he saw in her in the first place. I feel bad for his son and the twins as well.

His son referred to me as his mom rather than his mother, which is something we kept to ourselves since I didn't want to cause any trouble. I don't need him to get hurt anymore because of it.

Nevertheless, I do love him as if he is my kid, even though I don't have a kid of my own yet, besides Brutus. I sighed as I continued admiring his features.

"You know, it's impolite to stare at someone," Chris says in a sexy, groggy voice.

I jumped a little with a look as if I had been caught with my hand in the cookie jar before dinner. He chuckled a little as he slowly opened his beautiful ocean-blue eyes and looked at me.

"Sorry," I started to apologize.

"Hey, I don't mind if you do," he smirked, "but I'd thought I just let you know."

I let out a shy giggle.

"You just looked so at peace," I said, "which is a look I haven't seen in a while, so I couldn't help but admire."

I couldn't help but place a hand on the side of his face and gently rub my thumb across his cheek, feeling the stubble. He closed his eyes before placing a hand on mine.

"It's because you're here," he said softly and kind of out of nowhere.

I blushed as I watched him. He then opened his eyes, and I couldn't help but stare into them. It was like we were the only two people left in the world. That was until Brutus popped up and got between us and started licking our faces, ruining the moment; which I am grateful for that he appeared when he did.

"Ah, Brutus!" I screamed out in surprise. "Enough with the licking."

Chris just laughs as I'm practically assaulted by my dog.

"Someone's a morning dog," he mentions before getting the same morning greeting from Brutus, causing more laughter.

"He probably just needs to go outside," I noted while giving the crazy dog some love. "I'll take him out, and you can get dressed."

"Alright, no problem," Chris giggles while Brutus and I crawl over Chris to leave the room.

"Let's go crazy dog," I said as I opened the door and let him go first. I heard Chris chuckle before I went through the threshold and closed the door.

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