The Bridge Bike gang

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After leaving the safari zone, the gang are continuing on their journey. But at the moment, they were at the pokemon center. They were at a Bridge earlier, an officer told them it was not ready yet, only the bike track was. Seeing no other option when they went to get some bikes but were unsuccessful, so they decided to head to the pokemon cemnter to think of another way. Ash decided to call his mom in the meantime.

"[Ketchum Residence.]"Ash's mom greeted when she appeared on the screen.

"Hi mom." Ash said

"[Ash, How are you?]" Delia asked, smiling

"I am fine mom, How are you?" Ash asked

"[I am fine, Thanks for sending some of your pokemon to me.]" Delia said

"I thought you would like them, How are other pokemon?" Ash asked

"[The pokemon get along with other people very good, And they have been great help.]" Delia said

"I am glad. Well, I gotta go. My friends and I have to think of a way to get to the next town." Ash said

"[Don't worry, I am sure that you will figure something out, Ash.]"Delia said

" Thanks Mom. Goodbye. "Ash said

" [Goodbye]"Delia said as the screen went black.

Ash put the phone back in the stand and walked over to his friends. He sat down next to Glissle. Brock was leaning aginst the counct with his arms folded across his chest, Yellow and Misty were also sitting.

"So what we do? We can't pass through without the bikes." Yellow said

"We will think of something as we always do." Brock said

"I am surprised you are positive during this kind of situation, Brock." Glissle said

"Excuse me, if you could spare some time, would you mind helping me out?" A familiar female voice asked

The gang looked over their shoulders and saw Nurse Joy. Brock gazed at her and blushed. He leped towards her and held her hand.

"Pleae let me help. I just love caring for pokemon. It is my life. Please. Please, Madam. " Brock said," Uh by the way, are you by any chance realted to the Nurse Joy in Gringy city?"

"I am her cousin." Nurse Joy replied, slightly nervous.

"Ah, but you are much prettier than she is." Brock said

"Does he always have to act like this?" Nurse Joy asked

"Every time he sees a Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny or any beutiful woman." Ash said

"That us fine but I am worried about pokemon in sunny town, just over the bridge that is very sick." Nurse Joy said pulling her away and picking up their clipboard.

"Huh." Brock said blinking.


In the world of Kanto, where dreams take flight,
A tale of rebirth in the morning's first light.
With a Pikachu by my side, our bond innate,
We're reliving our journey, it's the "Journey of Fate"

Pokémon, together we'll find our way,
In the anime world, where we're meant to play.
With Ash's spirit reborn, it's never too late,
To capture our dreams in this "Journey of Fate."

From Pallet Town's charms to the Viridian skies,
We'll aim for the stars, with wonder in our eyes.
As Team Rocket schemes and Gym Leaders await,
We'll rewrite the story, it's our "Journey of Fate."

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