Bodyguard Duty

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Shinra: Where the hell am I?

He checked his surroundings. It was all pitch black, and a lamp could be seen lit far away as he got closer he could see a suitcase on a table, and the lamp was shining at it. Curious, he opened it. It was a bomb. His body froze in fear. A minute was counting down on the timer. He blinked, and it turned into a nuclear warhead. It was the same size as the suitcase.

Shinra: Fuck no, I... no no no... Stay in my memories you Demon. You don't exist anymore.

The beeping stopped. A long second passed. The bomb exploded.

The loud noise woke Y/N up. He found himself in a chair, a fat man's head was in the ceiling, and Ryuko was looking at him with rage in her eyes.

Y/N smiled a little.

Y/N: What's wrong?

Mako: Ryuko? Y/N? Are you both awake?

Ryuko:There was a big pervert here.

Y/N: You mean Mako's dad?

Ryuko: That is your dad?

Mako: Yes.

Y/N: I should get going now.

Ryuko: Wait, who are you?

Y/N: Y/N L/N. I was the one who brought you here.

Ryuko:You are the sleep deprived one, aren't you?

Y/N: Sadly.

Ryuko: You beat up the boxing kid when I could not. You must be strong.

Y/N: Don't worry about it. I am most definitely the strongest around here.

Y/N felt arrogant after saying that.

Ryuko: So you would be able to beat Satsuki?

Y/N chuckled

Y/N: I would most definitely win if we fought.

Ryuko gave him a look of disbelief.

Ryuko: Prove it.

Y/N: I most certainly will.

Y/N suddenly got serious.

Y/N: If you want to take her down, you need allies. The more, the better.

Y/N pulled a flash card out of his pocket and threw it lightly at her like a ninja star. I will be in touch. Goodbye.

Ryuko looked at the card. Then she flipped it after seeing that it was empty. There was a phone number on the back.

Y/N left the back alley hospital and went home. Once inside, he went straight into his room. He moved the bulletin board off his bed and just sat there. He looked at the safe in his room and opened it in one quick motion. He took the sword out and looked at it.

Shinra: Don't worry, Jacob, I avenged you. I must continue on myself.

Then, he lay down on the middle of the bed, looking at the ceiling.

Shinra: He is dead, He is dead.

He fell asleep.

The next morning...

Y/N: Hey Ryuko, Mako, it is great to see you two.

Ryuko: Great to see you too.

Mako: HI Y/N.

The 3 stared walking from the entrance to the school grounds.

Mako: By the way, ow Ryuko, if you ow don't have ow a place to ow stay, my mom  said ow you can stay with ow us.

While talking, mako was being hit by tennis balls.

Ryuko and Y/N turned to the direction the balls were thrown.

Ryuko: You bastards.

Y/N: OH no.

???: I am the president of the Tennis Club, Hakodate Omiko.

Y/N: And I dont care at all.

Omiko: As a member of the club, Mako has to be punished for being absent.

Ryuko: She was being taken hostage.

Omiko: Not our problem.

Y/N: Mako, get out of here. Let me handle this.

Mako:Got it.

Mako runs away.

Y/N: You should get out of here as well.

Ryuko: Watch me beat her up.

Ryuko gets in front of Y/N and fails to transform.

Ryuko: Senketsu? COME ON!

Y/N: Seriously?

Ryuko: Hey! It worked last time Y/N.

Omiko: Can you not talk to your uniform.

Y/N: Let me handle this.

Ryuko: No, no, no, I got this. It just takes time.

Y/N: If you want me to leave, just tell me.

Both of them are visiblely angry with each other.

Omiko: Can you lovebirds stop arguing and fight me.

Ryuko and Y/N start blushing.

Y/N: OK, I will step back. I don't care what happens now.

Ryuko: Thank you.

Omiko: Then die!

Millions of tennis balls hit Ryuko in the face. Y/N started laughing as Ryuko slowly got back up.

Ryuko: What is so funny to you?

Y/N continues laughing. Suddenly Ryuko started running away.

Ryuko: Smell you all later.

Ryuko suddenly falls into the river below.

Omiko: You are next, Y/N.

Hearing that, Y/N's eyes turn blood red. He stares into Omiko's eyes. When she suddenly blinked, he was nowhere, and there was a sword to her neck.

Y/N: Don't move an inch. I don't want to get my hands dirty, so let's make a deal. Let's give Ryuko a second chance here. So how about we organize a duel later today. Deal or no deal.


Y/N: Perfect. OK, see you later.

Y/N goes into the river to fish Ryuko out.

To Be Continued...

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