Contact Killer

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Y/N was running through the slums to get to school. His old habits had caused him to oversleep the alarm. After what felt like minutes, his running pace was interrupted by a hand grabbing the back of his shirt. He turns around to try to take down the attacker, but the barrel of a Glock 19 meets his face. The blood in Y/N's body starts to boil, realizing who he came face to face with.

Y/N: You bastard.

Red Fang: Shina, good to see you are healthy.

Shinra: Are you going to pull the trigger now?!

Red Fang: No, instead, I want you to follow me somewhere.

Shinra: I can't.

Red Fang: School, let me guess?

Shinra: Correct.

Red Fang: Don't worry, I got my mediocre secretary to pardon your absence as we speak.

Shinra: Fine, I'll go. This better not be a bullshit trap.

Red Fang: Right hand on God.

Shinra: Ok, where are we going?

Red Fang: All I can say is hang on tight American. It is pretty far. But first I need you to do something for me.

The Nazi takes out a blindfold and a pair of rubber earplugs. All items were put neatly in a plastic bag. Shinra had no choice but to take the bag and follow his enemy's instructions.


Shinra was directed to sit down on a cold metal chair. Expecting him to be tied to the chair, he was surprised when his blindfold and earplugs were removed. He looked at his surroundings carefully but could only see a shooting range located in a room surrounded by four depressing steel walls and a strong metal door.

Shinra: Why are we here?

The Red Fang simply smiled and handed his gun back.

Red Fang: I don't know. There are many things that I don't know. For example, why do you love that Ryuko girl so much?

Shinra, who just figured out that his Colt pistol is fully loaded with live ammunition, raised it at Red Fang, who only chuckled.

Red Fang: Careful. we are downrange.

Shinra: Keep. Her. Name. Out. Of. Your. Fucking. Mouth!

Red Fang: Do you want to kill me right now? You are in the middle of an enemy base. You are surrounded.

Shinra: Then I will have to kill all of you.

Red Fang: Easy Tiger, if you do manage to make it out here alive, it would be a worse fate for you.

Shinra: What is the worst you got?

Red Fang: Every time I go on a new mission, I rewrite my will to give me some leverage.

The one-eyed man took out a piece of paper from his pants pocket and handed it to Shinra. Shinra puts his gun back in the holster and unfolds the paper. As his eyes surfed through the page, his stress levels increased.

Red Fang: So, if I can't confirm my status within 48 hours, I am considered dead. Once I die, everyone you ever know will be tracked down and killed.

Red Fang gets behind Shinra and gets into a whispering range of him.

Red Fang, Whispering: Including your Ryuko.

Red Fang then grabbed the sheet from Shinra's hands and put it somewhere safe. He goes to the table in front of him and places his Glock 19 in reach. With his hand, he directed Shinra to come closer. When Shinra stops to his left, He passes him a yellow office folder.

Red Fang: I am giving you a golden opportunity here. Volker will arrive here in a week.

Shinra: So you don't want me to kill Hans Volker?

Red Rang: Oh no, quite the opposite. I want you to kill him.

Shinra: Excuse me?

Red Fang: Do you not want to kill a Nazi Officer?

Shinra: I want to kill them all. I just don't understand why you allow me to do it.

Red Fang:  He is my superior and a bad one. He is an asshole. I can't even describe how much of a dick he is. So I have been running investigations on him. He has so many skeletons in his closet. The plan is that you kill him while my team leaks all that information. The higher-ups won't investigate his death. And with his death, I can finally relax, and you have one less officer to deal with. Do we have a deal?

Red Fang extends his hand and Shinra shakes it with hesitation. 

Red Fang: One more thing, your cover has a higher chance of being blown if you use an American gun. I will provide you with one of the finest German Sniper Rifles. 

The Nazi kneeled and pulled a plastic gun case from under the table. He lifted it with great force and put it on the table. Both men heard a loud thud when the case hit the table. Red Fang unlocked the lock with a key he kept in his pocket. The first thing that Shinra noticed when the case swung open was a rifle taking up most of the room. 

Red Fang: Let me introduce you to the Präzisionsschützengewehr or PSG for short.

Shinra picked up the rifle and inspected both sides of the rife.

Shinra: Heckler & Koch?

Red Fang: Ja

Shinra: English Please.

Red Fang, slightly annoyed: Yes. You are so American.

Shinra: How so?

Shinra picks up a mag from the gun case and loads it

Red Fang: You refuse to learn the languages of other people, forcing them to have to speak English just for you.

Shinra: I had to learn Japanese just for this mission.

Red Fang: I guess I was wrong. Why haven't you taken the shot yet?

Shinra: How do I know it won't explode in my face when I shoot it?

Red Fang: Just hand me that shit.

Red Fang rips the gun out of Shinra's hands and in 3 seconds he aims and fires the gun, hitting the farthest target 100m away. He puts the gun back into the case and locks it. he placed the folder on top of the case and then stacked the key on top.

Red Fang: You should read the file when you get home. It contains a lot of information on Volker. Did you know he is obsessed with old fashion Ballrooms? He sometimes hosts some dance parties at his manor. Knowing him, the school might be forced to host one because of him. I think dancing and ballrooms are lame. So, wear your best suit. Maybe even ask your "girlfriend" out. If you don't, I might have to-

Shinra: Shut up Red.

Red Fang bursts out laughing. After a while, he calms down.

Red Fang: You know I'm joking.

Shinra: Anything else I need to know?

Red Fang: No, do you want me to drive you back home?

Shinra: Do you know where I live?

Red Fang: Always have known. Don't worry, I find stabbing people in their sleep dishonorable. I'm a Nazi, not a monster. So sleep with your eyes closed.

Shinra: Just drop me off where I tell you to.

Red Fang brings the blindfold and earplugs back and hands them to Shinra. As Shinra is about to put the earplugs on, Red Fang stops him.

Red Fang: before you put them on, can I ask one more question?

Shinra: Sure.

Red Fang: Why do you like her?

To Be Continued...

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