⇁ chapter one

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[Past Day: Fifth Year—10th June 1891]

The Slytherin common room was that of a nautical glow from the Black Lake, iridescent shimmers from the water dancing effortlessly into the spaces of the vast room. It was breathtakingly beautiful yet so haunting at the same time. Verena loved admiring the Gothic architecture oppose the beauty of nature; a constant pull between light and dark. She spent more time dawdling away in her common room than her dormitory, more so at night, finding peace from the water's lull, a harmony unlike no other. But, today, it was nothing but loud noises and exhilarated teenagers running amuck her dear common room. Voices slammed into her skull, bringing her back to chaos ensuing around her. She groaned, pulling herself from her trance standing at the window that was a gallery of beautiful clear water.

Today was not just any day, it was the day she would leave Hogwarts and return home. Verena's pursuit of peace and reminiscence before departure was cut short, when she felt a gentle hand tap upon her shoulder. It was so soft, she jolted, feeling it was a touch of ghost. She turned on her heel, back to the translucent window. She beheld Ominis before her, his face troubled, as it was of late. She smiled, taking in his appearance, though he was unable to see the generous gesture.

The girl heaved a friendly sigh, her hands clasped by her waist. "I'm sorry, Ominis, I was not ignoring you. I was just admiring the lake, trying to relax before we depart. I'll miss this, we are so lucky to be able to–"

"It's Sebastian... he is troubling me." Ominis cut off her words so frank, it would be insulting if it was not for the words he was speaking. Ominis was pale in appearance, fretting with his hands nervously twitching at his sides. Ominis was not one to ever conceal his frustrations, he was very visionary with his emotions. Verena sensed a sorrow arising in his tone, ambient sorrows encapsulating the lake's glow around them.

Verena struggled with words, cerise stained lips pursed in sentiment. Her black hair was free, sprawling just below her thin shoulders, thick curls untamed. She could be seen as disheveled if she was at home, but the freedom of having her hair down and unstyled made her feel a sense of beauty. If Ominis could see her, he would agree. She fashioned her common sigh in response, void of her frustration to calm Ominis. "Sebastian is doing what now? Pray tell, Ominis." she responded at last.

Ominis piqued, his sense of hearing heightened as the sound of insistent chatter surrounded them. He trembled his words, "I feel as though he is not being honest with me about his feelings. Time will never be enough, and now that Anne wants nothing to do with him, he's changed for the worse. I don't know what to do, I've never seen him like this." he began to pace, the lake's shimmers dancing across his high cheekbones. His eyelashes fluttered once the light reached his pale blue eyes, a furrow to his brow.

Verena could only respond with a frustrated strut beside him, lending a comforting hand to his shoulder. "I know, he has much going on. We just have to wait things out with him, be there for him this summer." she soothed, warmth laced in her tone. It was almost pacifying, which Ominis did not like.

"No, it's more than that," Ominis began, halted and brought his hand to hers. He was flustered, angered, but was directed at everything but her. "You don't understand, Verena. They both look to me. Sebastian and Anne. You know, she wrote to me. She wants me to tell Sebastian none of this, but it's unfair to him. She is having a funeral for Solomon, away from Sebastian, at a distant cousin's cottage in Edinburgh. She is to live there, away from him, away from me. She is so headstrong, but I cannot bring myself to lie to Sebastian." his words were rampant with pain as he spoke soft and low. Silence danced in between them.

Verena felt her cheeks flush in all hues of red, it was burning at her skin unrelentingly. Her heart turned over in her chest, muscles sore and aching deep within, ribs piercing her insides. She could not shake this awful feeling, dread overcame her words. "Are these Anne's wishes?"

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