Chapter 5

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Y/n jumps back towards Ay, Cee and Darui as he sighs and sits down

Y/n: I was close to beating Sasuke Kazekage! So there must be a good reason for why you just randomly decided to stop me like that?

Darui: I think he might be trying to reason with Sasuke about something?

Y/n looks over to Gaara

Gaara: Those eyes of yours...they are still as they were when I spoke to you all those years ago.

Gaara: It's not too late for you change like I did. You still have time to correct and change your ways..

Sasuke: My path leads me to the darkness. And what would going back to the light help me with at all?! I need the darkness for my goal...

Kankuro: There is no point trying to reason with him Gaara. Naruto already failed

Temari: I'm guessing he is certain about going down this path if his Gaara. I don't think anyone is able to lead him away

Y/n looks towards Gaara as he sees a tear running down his cheek

Darui: Kazekage!! Members of the sand! Let me aid you in your assault

Y/n: You guys better hit him. If not I'm going back in there with my lightning clock

Darui, Gaara, Kankuro and Temari all use their jutsu as they all go towards Sasuke as they collide with him and hit him

Y/n: Alright-

Y/n senses more chakra. A evil chakra as he turns to where Sasuke is

 A evil chakra as he turns to where Sasuke is

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Y/n: What even is that?

Sasuke: You have a impenetrable defence Gaara. But I have one that is even more stronger!! The Susano'o

Y/n: A Susano'o.....

Y/n gets ready to charge towards Sasuke but Sasuke laughs as he uses his Susano'o to slash at the pillars causing the whole thing to collapse

Y/n: What the hell!?

Suigetsu: What the hell!?

The only person that got saved from that little rubble crumble was Karin as Sasuke himself saved her

Sasuke: Have you located Danzo yet?

Karin: W-what about Suigetsu and Jugo? They are still in the ru-

Sasuke: They will be fine. Let's just focus on Danzo for now

Sasuke walks off as Karin slowly follows him also

Karin: He seems way more intense and way more scary. I honestly don't know if this is the same Sasuke I know.....

Karin swallows her fear as she makes her way with Sasuke towards where Danzo is.

Y/n: RAHHHH!!!!

Y/n and Ay both use their lighting cloak as they punch the rubble into oblivion

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