Chapter 7

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Y/n was confused as he was just looking at the elder.

Y/n: Shark Sage Mode? I have never heard of that before

Elder: Don't worry boy...we have people that can be able to help you and show you the secrets of Shark Sage Mode

Y/n turns as he sees two other sharks. The male shark speaks up

Hokoushui: Nice to meet you! My name is Hokoushui. And I am going to be teaching you a bit about Shark Sage mode.

The female shark speaks up

Kaishinryu: My name is Kaishinryu. I am going to aiding Hokoushui in teaching you Shark Sage mode

Y/n: Nice to meet the both of you! I do look forward to working and training with you guys!

Kaishinryu: Good. Because from here, it gets harder and harder from here

Y/n: Is sage mode not a easy task?

Hokoushui: Absolutely not! It's going to be very, very hard to even try and get the nature energy into your body and control it

Y/n: <Sighs> I might be here for a while then... I have somewhere to be

Kaishinryu: Where do you have to go boy?

Y/n: Well um...

He scratches his head

Y/n: A war is about to happen, and I decided to set out in order to gain greater power

Hokoushui: I guess you are going to have to learn quickly Boy.

Y/n: Yeah. Will do, I have no choice. Show me where we are going to be training

Hokoushui and Kaishinryu swim off as Y/n follows them.

Elder: That boy....he has the water Bearer markings...just like those of those people.

Eventually they make it to a little bubble area where there are a bunch of shark statues and flowing water everywhere

Y/n: So what am I going to be doing in order to be having sage mode?

Hokoushui: Let me explain to you what you must do in order to try and at least put Nature energy into yourself.

Hokoushui swims over to a open area as both Y/n and Kaishinryu swim there also.

Hokoushui: What you are going to have to do, is jump into the water and stay there for a duration of time.

Y/n: But what if drown!?

Kaishinryu chuckles

Kaishinryu: Then you better learn the techniques of sage mode quickly then!

A sweat rolls down Y/n's face as he looks into the ocean.

Y/n: What have i gotten myself into...

Hokoushui: Are you ready boy?

Y/n: Yeah.

Y/n sighs, looks down into the water as he jumps in. Hokoushui and Kaishinryu watch him

Kaishinryu: Did you not tell him about how if he doesn't blend enough nature energy he might end up like those statues?

Hokoushui: And...I forgot to tell him that the sharks won't attack you with you have Nature energy

Kaishinryu chuckles

Kaishinryu: I guess he is going to have to learn quite quickly.

Y/n readies himself as he gets into a meditating pose in the water as he breathes in and out and starts to absorb the nature energy around him.

Y/n: I can feel and sense things...things that I was never able to sense before

Y/n turns as he sees a shark looking right at him. Y/n pauses and stiffens up as the shark moves towards Y/n as it gets quicker and quicker

Y/n: Oh nah! I am not dealing with this!!

Y/n quickly swims back up to the surface towards Hokoushui and Kaishinryu

Y/n: You didn't tell me that the Sharks are feral!!

Y/n was gasping for air

Hokoushui: Sorry Kid, we forgot to tell you about that

Kaishinryu: It was all Hokoushui's fault. He was supposed to tell you.

Y/n: Aw come on!! I almost died!

Hokoushui: My bad Kid. But now you know that you have to be able to rapidly and efficiently collect Nature energy.

Y/n: Thanks for the advice.

Y/n closes his eyes as he jumps back into the water as he is already trying to collect Nature Energy.

Y/n: I can feel it way more now...I can feel it coursing through me

Y/n opens his eyes

Y/n sees that the sharks are now coming towards him and are quite friendly and happy now

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Y/n sees that the sharks are now coming towards him and are quite friendly and happy now.

Y/n: now I don't really feel so scared...

Y/n continues to meditate as the sharks swim around him. Hokoushui and Kaishinryu watch as they are absolutely impressed and stunned

Hokoushui: He was quickly able to gather Nature Energy and blend it perfectly with his is that even possible? It hasn't been done in a long time...

Kaishinryu: It's probably because of that..

Kaishinryu points her head towards Y/n's arms as the markings on his arm has turned to a blue colour

Hokoushui: No way...he is a water Bearer? That hasn't been in a long,long time...

Kaishinryu: I guess we are teaching a really special kid then..


Y/n was swimming in the water with Hokoushui and Kaishinryu as he realises that he is able to catch up with them

Y/n: I feel a lot stronger and that because of the Sage mode?

Hokoushui: Of course it is dummy. You were so slow before! And now look at you! Being able to keep up with us

Y/n: I guess I had two great teachers.

Kaishinryu: The training isn't done yet Kid. You still need to learn the fighting style of Shark sage mode and so much more.

Y/n: Alright!

Y/n smiles as he continues to swim. He looks down to his arms as he realises that the markings are blue. He looks up to Hokoushui and Kaishinryu to talk to them about his markings...but he decides not to since he thinks that they would have absolutely no clue that he is.

Y/n: I am getting closer and closer to getting even stronger then before! Just you guys wait! I'll be back in no time

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