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"Vik!", hastily Misty stumbled down the stairs and burst into the clinic.

She stopped in her tracks as her eyes fell onto you. Emotions crossed her face, fear to excitement and confusion to relief.

"(Y/N)!", her arms wrapped around your neck. "You're on your feet!"

Surprised, you hugged her back without even questioning it.

"Misty!", you sighed. "You saved my ass."

"Don't sweat it. Dex really isn't good company.", she threw a glance over her shoulder. "Offered Jackie and V a gig. Relic chip or something. Was total suicide."

"Yeah... I knew he wasn't a great one but... well.", you shrugged. "I was desperate."

"No one blames ya, sweetheart.", Vik hummed as he searched his drawers for something.

He seemed to be fond of most old things. The drawers were full of old papers, some posters and all kinds of small trinkets that seemed to be older than anything you've ever seen.

You wondered why he didn't use them to decorate his apartment. It seemed empty and a little as if he only used it to sleep there. And only as long as he needed.

The clinic seemed far more influenced by him.

"What are you doing?", Misty asked with a curious tilt of her head.

"Looking for a phone.", Vik answered drily.

"He wants to order pizza.", you answered as she looked at you with confusion.

"Right. I forgot.", she huffed. I could use something to bite too. "Lemme call the V's and Jackie and we'll get something together?"

"Why not.", Viktor did a gesture as he pulled out a small device that barely fit into his palm. "Be my guest."

"Gee, Vik, I can't believe you had so much junk laying around in your clinic.", Misty noted as she managed to throw a glance into another drawer that Vik pulled open in search of whatever he wanted to find.

"It's not that messy, Misty. Just organised chaos.", he defended his habit of hoarding with a shrug.

"Says the man who has a whole ass jungle in his apartment.", you muttered with a smirk. "For coffee."

"Huh?!", amazed, Misty's eyes beamed with curiosity.

"Actually, you are pretty close, sweetheart. I lost a snake in there once. I think it's still alive."

A shiver crawled down your back.

"How are you so sure?"

He shrugged.

"Never had rats or mice.", with a victorious look, he pulled out another device, covered in dust.

It was a small thing, with buttons and a display that couldn't have shown anything behind the necessary. The graphics on this thing must have been horrible.

"Call the chooms, Misty.", Vik wiped the display clean before trying to turn on the decide.

Funny enough, it still had some battery left. A bright light evaporated from the small box, startling him since his vision wasn't darkened by his glasses.

Amused, you watched him with a smile.

Misty tugged at your sleeve.

"Let's step outside for a while.", her expression suddenly was so serious, it didn't seem like her at all. "I need your help."

Unsettled, your expression darkened as well. With a nod, you threw a glance back at Viktor. But he was busy so you left him to it and followed Misty up the stairs outside.

Chilly morning air caressed your cheeks as you walked through the door. It was a dirty day, sky grey and streets filled with water.

It reminded you of the day of your last fight. The day you had been sliced in two.

Out of reflex, your hands reached down to your stomach. It felt a little off that there was no scar to trace along, not a single hint on your body that told the story of what had happened.

All that remained were your memories. And it slowly started to feel like these things had never happened in the first place.

"(Y/N).", Misty's voice made you wake up from your thoughts.

"I'm sharp.", you said and looked down the alley.

Maybe it was just your head trying to mess with you but it felt like someone was around. And that someone made Misty uneasy.

Your suspicions were confirmed as you met her gaze again. With her eyebrows drawn together she threw a glance back at the backdoor of her shop. Worry was written all over her face.

"What's up?", you asked and grabbed her hand to give it a reassuring squeeze.

She took a deep breath.

"You know, Vik's isn't part of anything, right?", she asked with a thin smile.

"He's an independent ripper. Quite unusual."

"Right. But it's not like the corpos don't try to buy him. He just declined for a long time. But that doesn't mean they don't come back to try again.", she huffed but remained visibly uncomfortable. "I don't want to burden him. Business hasn't been as good as it should have been and..."

She bit her lips to suffocate the fear that reflected in her eyes.

"You worry he might fold this time.", you ended her sentence.

Her shoulders sank and guilt crossed her face. She felt helpless but also couldn't deny the fact that you were right.

She didn't want to give up her shop. Nor did she want Vik to become one of the many corpo rippers who had neither morals nor a choice.

"I hoped you could have a word with them. They don't listen to me and Vik shouldn't be burdened with it. He's so happy right now... I haven't seen him like that in...", she sighed. "In forever, I guess."

It made your heart beat faster as she mentioned his happiness. Maybe it was vain to think that you were the reason but still.

You liked to see him smile, be himself.

And since you owed him, more than eddies could ever repay, you had no issue with a small brawl to save his clinic.

"Don't sweat it.", you nudged her shoulder with your fist and smiled. "I'll have a word with them. Lead the way."

A smile of relief appeared on her face.

"Thank you.", she hugged you again. "You don't know how much that means to us."

Viktor Vektor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now