Chapter 3

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2 months later

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2 months later

"So everything is finalized" I turned to my sister who literally took an hour to check the outfit which was already selected weeks ago, she wanted to check on last time, we came to the mall for the final check of dresses for the wedding

Coincidence that we met Ishika's friends and Rishi outside the mall, Ayaan ditched me and went back, I will check on him later, first I have to find out what's fishy with Rishi, he kinda acts weird

Everyone went back except me, Ishika, Ishaan and that sneaky little penguin who is not able to pick between a lite green and a dark green dress for Sangeet, she tagged along with because she didn't give anything good for Sangeet and still couldn't find

"Yes everything is done, I will go to the second floor to check on Ishaan ji" Ishika said running towards the stairs, can't believe my little sister is finally going to get married, I will miss her, she was a life to our home, soon it will turn a house of brick without her

I walked towards the confused women trying to figure out what was good for her, she sighted and closed her eyes in frustration and I almost laughed but controlled it

"Lite green suits you" I Said keeping my elbow on the counter leaning forward, she opened her eyes in a second and looked at me as if I was a ghost

"You scared me" she said, I smirked she looked more frustrated by my presence

"But both of you are so confused" I said pointing at the two dresses and she huffed

"It would be a waste to buy two when you're gonna wear only one" she said and leaned back to the chai crossing her hands

"Take the lite green one" I said, the lite green one suits her and it's my favourite colour too, she looked at me then at the dress

"Pack this one" she said showing the lady the lite green one, I smirked and she rolled her eyes

"I would rather go with others suggestions than sitting another house confused" she said and stood up going towards the billing counter, I followed her because I had nothing to do

"Why are you coming behind me" she asked crossing her hands and I took a step front coming close but she didn't even step back

"Why are you going in front of me" I asked raising my eyebrows and she took another step forward

"I asked you first" she said and was expecting me to say something

"I was thinking what will your boyfriend say when he gets to know you bought a dress which was chosen by some other men" I asked out of curiosity, she looked shocked and her mouth wide open

"I have a boyfriend?" She looked confused now, I still remember that man from the Starbucks, she thinks I forgot

I nodded and she looked at me as it I said a joke, what's so funny, seeing her laughing I wanted to choke her so she stopped laughing, how dare she

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