A Dish Best Served Cold

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I do not own LoL or anything referenced.

-Grey POV-

(Together We Ride-Fire Emblem)

As the Hangman begins to pull the lever an arrow made of ice pierces his neck. I smirk as Kali gasps in shock as an arrow cuts my noose, I land while smirking, and jump over my hands. "Kill him!" Kali screams as the masked people begin to attack the soldiers. A soldier runs up only to be cut down by Lucy. "You're a traitor!" Kali screams making Lucy laugh.

"To be a traitor I'd have to be on your side at some point." Lucy says and cuts my hands free. "Stay behind me Lord Grey." She says and I chuckle as I coat my arms in ice magic.

"We're surrounded Lucy. I've got enough strength to help a little." I say and she frowns. I hear a demonic scream and look to see a woman in black armor shredding Kali's soldiers like paper.

"Die!" A soldier yells and I block his sword. I chuckle and punch him twice in the stomach, as he bends over I slam my knee into his chin, and slam my palm into his chest killing him.

"Teach them how strong you are my descendant." I hear the Judge say in my head. Three soldiers rushed me and two arrows pierced two of their throats. I get in a low stance and pump my right leg with fire magic, as the remaining soldier gets close, I push off the ground, and slam a fire infused knee into his chin causing a small explosion. Lucy slashes a soldier sneaking up on me, I backflip over her, and slam my heel into another's head.

"Hold your hands out and focus on them." The Judge says and I do as she says.

(His new swords that can merge into one buster blade

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(His new swords that can merge into one buster blade. Jury and Executioner.)

"I'll give you enough strength to fight at full strength for ten minutes." She says and I smile as I grip my blades tightly.

I get ready to fight another soldier but I hear a woman scream, and suddenly the soldier is cut in two. "Get away from my husband!" The armored woman screams. Her scream is so powerful it launches a group of soldiers back. She then turns to me and looks down at me. "Hello darling. Once we are done here I'll have to make you a big meal to build your strength back up." She says cheerfully.

"Darling?" I say confused and she nods. Suddenly another woman lands beside us and she looks at me.

"You look just like your father." She says softly and my eyes widen.

"What?" I say softly as the Judge giggles in my head.

"That is your birth mother dear child." The Judge says and I nod.

"Good to see you Mother." I say and she gasps.

"Y-You know me?" She asks and I point to my head.

"The Judge told me." I say and her eyes widen.

"So you can speak to Nemesis?" She asks and I get confused before nodding.

"Yeah if that's her real name." I say and block a lance. I kick the lance in the air and decapitate the soldier. "Talk later, kill these bastards now!" I say and they nod. I rushed forward followed by Mother and the woman. I slash a woman across her stomach as I chase Kali. Suddenly two ice arrows killed two more soldiers. I smile as Ashe lands and rolls next to me as I run.

 I smile as Ashe lands and rolls next to me as I run

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(Ashe. Music change to Animal-Disturbed.)

"You know the girls are going to kill you right?" She asks and blocks a sword.

"Yes." I simply say as she kicks the man down and fires an arrow through his head. I block an axe with one sword and use the other to pierce the woman's heart.

"Make way!" JD yells as he runs through soldiers launching them into the air. Omega is behind him using both of his revolvers to cover him. Mario and Shadow are using their powers to devastate the battlefield, and Ishtar is in the middle healing our allies. Evelynn is slashing and impaling people with her lashers, Ahri is using her magic to protect Ishtar, Kinzaki and Korzin have linked up with Lucy and Mother's army. The other girls are helping where they can along with the teachers and students of the academy.

"That was a dirty trick Mister Koi-Len." The Head Summoner says and I look at them as we run.

"It was necessary sir. I couldn't risk any of you, but I guess I still did as you all are here." I say and they chuckle.

"No worries. It's been a while since I've been able to let loose." They say as a thousand arrows of pure magic appear around him. "Now go catch up to that bitch, and know the academy stands behind you." They say and I nod with a smile.

"Copy that." I say and run towards the castle. I launch myself and Ashe to the roof where I know Kali will try to teleport out. She gasps as we land and run at her full speed.

"What are you bastards doing?! Stall them!" Kali screams and the small group of soldiers rush us. Ashe jumps in the air and fires an arrow, the arrow suddenly splits into five, as the first five fall I use them to block my movements, and slip through slashing any that come at us. I duck under a sword as the attacker takes an arrow through his throat. I slam my fist on the ground and the rest are impaled by shadow spikes.

"Take care of the cultists!" I say as Kali growls.

"Worthless. If you want something done you do it yourself." Kali growls and runs at us. I jump at her and block her axe as Ashe attacks the cultists. "You think you can win with your borrowed power?!" She asks and I smirk at her.

"My power is my own and comes from the Goddess Nemesis! The original Koi-Len!" I yell and knee her stomach. I begin to relentlessly slash at her trying to break through her guard. She kicks me back and swings at my head which I block. As I slide back I drop my swords and charge up lightning in my right hand.

"You only have enough power for two spells Grey!" Nemesis says and I nod.

"I only need two." I tell her and sprint at Kali, the bolts of lightning tear through the roof as I sprint, she brings up her axe to block, and I thrust my hand at her. "Take this!" I yell as her eyes widen. She suddenly screams in agony as I slide to a stop. I turned to see her axe broken in two, and her left arm severed from her body. I jump in the air and raise my hand up. "Die!" I yell and fire a beam of lightning at her. She moves slightly to the left, and is launched back into the cultists circle. They drag her to the center and teleport away.

(Song ends)

"Damn." I pant exhausted from all that's happened.

"Fuck. Their stupid barriers got in the way, but I was able to kill a few of them." Ashe says and I nod to her. "You alright?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No. I'm fucking tired." I tell her and she catches me as I fall forward.

"Relax and fall into a peaceful slumber Grey. You've definitely earned it." She says and rests my head into her lap. She begins to hum a soft song and I slowly drift off to sleep.

-There we have it! So Grey has been successfully rescued and has unlocked his true potential. His family is direct descendants of Nemesis herself. Now that means when multiple children are born, only one child will have the eyes, and will be chosen to carry the mantle in case the parent dies. But that doesn't mean the other kids won't be as strong, not to mention Ishtar is a descendant of a goddess as well. Any guesses as to which one? See you guys in the next one! Love y'all.-

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