First day at hogwarts

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I woke up as someone sat beside me. I rubbed my eyes and looked around to realize where i was.
‚The Hogwarts Express!' i thought.
I was so excited for my first year.
I was sitting beside the window and just looked out of it. I was imagining what I would look like wearing the Hogwarts Robe. I was so happy.
I was so lost in thought that I almost forgot there was someone sitting next to me.
I looked to the right and saw someone leaning beside the wall next to the door. Their face was turned to the other side so I couldn't see it.
I just looked outside the window again for the next two hours till I felt someone move beside me.
I turned around as the person started talking to me.
„Hey, who are you?" they said.
It was a red haired boy. He smiled at me.
„Oh hi I'm Zan, Zan Rose." I answered.
„pretty name, I'm Fred, Fred Weasley." he said.
„That's a pretty name aswell." I chuckled.
„Your first year at Hogwarts?" he asked.
„How did you know?" I asked back, rolling my eyes jokingly. „Just a wild guess" he smiled.
„well, which year are you Now?"
„Second, do you already know something about Hogwarts?"
„Not much" I answered truthfully
„Imma tell you the important stuff" he said and started. „So there are four houses you can get sorted in, these are: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Professor Dumbledore will put the sorting hat on your head and the hat will decide in which house you belong. Then there's Quidditch and some more stuff. I can assure you that you will feel like home there." my eyes went wide. „That's a lot wow. And you're a Gryffindor?" I read off his robe.
„Yep." he answered, his voice filled with proudness.
„Nice." I said. „We're about to arrive so you better put on your robe." he said. „Yeah true." I pulled my robe out of my suitcase. I put it on and looked at Fred. „Is that right?" I smiled awkwardly. „Yeah looks good." he put both his thumbs up and smiled back at me. The train rumbled and I almost fell out of my seat. Fred looked and me and chuckled a bit.
The train stopped. „Oh we arrived! Finally! Come on Zan!" he took my suitcase and grabbed my arm. He lead the way through the train and we stopped infront of a old looking man. „Who is that?" I whispered to Fred. He whispered back „that's Professor Albus Dumbledore. He's our principal."
‚Professor Dumbledore' started to speak.
„Welcome new first graders. Please follow Professor McGonnagall, she will lead you all to the great hall and the hat will sort you into your houses."
A woman stood beside him and waved us all to follow her. Fred took my arm and we both followed her. She lead us to a staircase. A blonde haired boy, his hair shining white, went to another boy, black hair, strange glasses. „I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." i heard him say. They talked but I was too far away to hear them. The woman from before came and lead us the way to the great hall. She told us to form a row so we did. The first students were sorted by the sorting hat. The blonde haired boy from before was called out. „Draco Malfoy" the hat didn't even touch his hair as it screamed „SLYTHERIN!" ‚draco malfoy' walked towards the slytherin table while grinning widely. Everyone clapped at the table and the next boy stepped to the hat. „Harry Potter."
The black haired boy from before. The hat was unsure what to do. It said „you would get big in slytherin." but the boy thought ‚not slytherin, not slytherin.' the hat said: „well... GRYFFINDOR!"
Professor mcgonnagall read out the next name. „Ronald Weasley!" (Weasley?) I thought. I looked at Fred. „That's my brother." he smiled at me. „Oh okay" I smiled back. „Zan Rose." professor mcgonnagall said. I stepped forward to the hat and sat down under it. „Ohh I see.." the hat said. (You can read and control minds, right?) it thought. (Yep) I answered back in the mind of the hat. „Hmmm. HUFFLEPUFF" it shouted out loud. Professor mcgonnagall took the head from my head and I stood up and walked towards the hufflepuff table which was clapping. I looked at Fred as I walked and he smiled at me. I turned my head to the hufflepuff table again and sat down next to a random boy because the seat next to him was empty. „congratulations! I think it's the best house you can get." he said while smiling a bit down at me." he was tall, had brown hair and bright grey eyes. He looked really nice. „Haha I'm lucky then I guess." I answered. He smiled „I'm Cedric, Cedric diggory."
„Nice to meet you Cedric, I'm Zan!" I smiled.
„Nice name, Zan." he said.
„Yours is nice aswell!" I chuckled.
„Thanks." he chuckled too. We talked the whole time and other people from the table were staring.
„Why are some people staring at us?" I asked quietly.
„I don't know, maybe they think you are interesting." he winked at my playfully. We started laughing again and then began to talk again. „so how is your first day at Hogwarts till now, zan?" „it's really cool!
Feels like home. Just like Fred said."
„Fred?" he looked at me confused.
„Yeah, Fred Weasley." I turned around to point at him. He was sitting at the gryffindor table, talking to someone looking exactly like him and Harry Potter was sitting beside them. „This guy" I chuckled
Cedric looked at me. „I know him, he plays quidditch with his twin brother at the gryffindor team."
„Oooh nicee." I smiled at Cedric.
He smiled back. „yeah, quidditch isn't really ‚mine' I think I'm just too stupid to understand the Quidditch rules." he said, smiling at me.
„I bet it's not easy to learn it so you're not stupid, please don't think that." I answer
„Dear students it is now time for you to get to your dorms." professor Dumbledore spoke up.
„Come on, I'll show you around the common room and your dorm." Cedric said, standing up and pulling my arm to make me stand up too.
„Okay." I said, following him to a strange looking door. There was a ghost lady on it asking for a password. Cedric stepped forward and looked at her. „Helga hufflepuff." he said. The lady flew away and the door opened. Cedric walked beside me again, into a really pretty room. It was really big. There was a fireplace, a lot of seating options. „Helga hufflepuff was the founder of hufflepuff." Cedric smiled down at me. „Ohh okay cool." I said, looking around the room. Cedric noticed it and asked „it's beautiful isn't it, zan?" I looked at him „It really is." he chuckled.
„Let me show you where your dorm is then." as he said that he turned right and walked towards another door, which was already open. There was a staircase which led up to the dorms. Cedric lead me to one of them and said „it's all yours. Your suitcase and other stuff should be already there."
He said „I'm gonna go to my dorm now, it's getting late." he turned around but stopped. „I'll meet you at 6 at the fireplace?" he turned around to look at me once more. „I'll show you around the school at the weekend if that's fine with you? Let's start tomorrow by just getting to know your classes and teachers and other students maybe?" he smiled, waiting patiently for me to answer his questions. „Uh sure. Meet you at 6 then." I said, smiling at him. „Cool!" he said while walking off to his dorm. I opened the door to my own dorm and stepped inside. Cedric was right! My stuff was already there! I closed the door behind me and opened my suitcase. I pulled my Pyjama out of it and put it on to go to sleep. I was really tired since it was a really long day. I jumped onto my bed. It was so cozy and comfortable that i fell asleep soon after.

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